The Bible way to Heaven by Pastor Patrick Boyle - YouTube
05/07/24: MICAH 5:2 DECODED [by Phillippe W. Bryant]
DISCLAIMER: God’s New Testament Church is: “the pillar and ground of the truth.” These are: “King James Bible Only Churches” (for English speaking people); this means that the “God-inspired KJV Bible” informs all matters of “faith” and “practice” in these Churches. Because they follow the “clear Divine instruction” from: “the true word of God” [the KJV], they are also called: “the manifold wisdom of God.” So it’s no wonder that these Churches are: by far: “the most fruitful Churches in the Kingdom of God” (because they actively share: “the true Gospel of Jesus Christ:” [which is the only “POWER” that saves people from the terrifying reality of HELL])! These biblically authentic Churches are often referred to as: “NIFB” (New Independent Fundamental Baptist). Truly: “the power and grace of God” is upon these authentic Churches. And this “NIFB soul-winning phenomenon” is: “the true Spirit of end-time Revival Worldwide:” Amen!
Each one, of these NIFB Churches, is individually “ruled” by a biblically qualified God-ordained “man” (and not any woman); they are biblically referred to as: Pastor/Bishop or Elder. These “true Pastors” bear “the greatest responsibility:” to: “preach and teach:” “All the Council of God” (all 66 books of “the King James Bible” [KJV]). After first seeing well to “their own household:” they then oversee: the business end of running a “Church:” while also: edifying, making disciples, and helping members of “same” (which is an assembly of “saints” [“born again believers:” that have personally trusted in “the Lord Jesus Christ:” “by faith alone:” and: “not by works”] that were then: “water baptized:” which is not necessary for salvation, but rather, this “water baptism” is publicly observed in obedience to Christ [as it “outwardly signifies” His “Death, Burial, and Resurrection”]). So “each one,” of these NIFB Churches, is carrying out: “the great commission:” of the Lord Jesus Christ: which is: “to evangelize the entire world.”
Principia Divine LLC is NOT a New Testament Church; however, it is “a teaching platform” that uniquely specializes in “Bible Theism” (more specifically: analysis of the Godhead: and also: how He relates to all things [we also seek to understand the broader implications of “Divine Revelation”]). As company founder, I have a charge to keep, and a responsibility before God, “by reason of what has been revealed!” Our first published work: “INITIUM: SELF-GENESIS OF GOD:” discloses the wondrous mystery of “Divine Origins:” before, during, and after the biblical narrative: “In the beginning.” The crux essence of “the INITIUM Doctrine” is as follows:
{{The primordial spawning of “the Trinity,” which occurred: “In the beginning….,” whereby the “defining morphology” of the Godhead “manifestly appeared:” and was thus: “eternally engrafted” onto the preexistent ever-immutable “SELF-EXISTENCE:” of the Father’s Person [aka: “EL:” “the Unmoved Mover”]; this “manifest appearance of the Trinity” onto the innermost-Self of the Father [EL], actually defined “the beginning itself:” even before the creation of the Universe}}.
WARNING: These stunning revelations about: “Divine Origins” are truly “An Ominous Sign,” which carries with it “true fear:” because of the Jealousy and terrifying Wrath of God! So “all onlookers” should be forewarned and appreciate the gravity (seriousness) and true significance of these unfolding Divine revelations! Deeper doctrine is, by definition, “spiritual meat;” and it can only be appreciated (spiritually understood and thereby digested) by those who “fear God” and know how to “rightly divide His word” (the KJV Bible)! Because of the rampant “ignorance,” “heresy” and “lies” spoken “against Him” (especially in “His own name”), God has sovereignly decided to put “His ace card” on the table! Spiritually, and more so: “prophetically speaking,” this is: “God’s Checkmate Move!” This is analogous to: “Detonating:” the most powerful asymmetrical “Weapon:” the highest yield “Nuclear H-Bomb” in a worldwide arena that has only known conventional means of warfare!
Because it discloses the deepest mysteries of “Divine Origins,” this revelatory Doctrine flies in the face of “presumed orthodoxy” and “manmade traditions.” As evidenced by these INITIUM Revelations, God desires to share more about Himself via: “the true Bible” [KJV] and “the Spirit of truth:” for these end times! Due to the fact that this was “providentially hidden,” and ergo, “recently unearthed Doctrine:” INITIUM should also be rightly met with “healthy skepticism:” especially in this present age of wicked, lying, and blasphemous “heresies:” against: the uncorruptible God! So, “onlookers” should, critically “JUDGE” this unfolding body of work; but: be sure to: “JUDGE RIGHTLY” lest you find yourself in sudden opposition: to the TRUTH: provoking the “Fiery Jealously” of “the Living God!”
“Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24 [KJV]
Furthermore, in order to “Judge Correctly” observe the following scriptures:
- “The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.” Proverbs 14:15 [KJV]
- “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2nd Timothy 2:15 [KJV]
- “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." 1st Thessalonians 5:21 [KJV]
This is why you shouldn’t just blindly take everything stated here onsite “at face value.” So don’t be such a simpleton: having only “blind faith” (for “the just” do indeed “walk by faith:” but not stupidly: or ignorantly: with their “eyes closed” [because spiritual people: “use their sight also:” they just don’t blindly walk by sight alone: Amen])! Ponder these things, before God, and diligently look them up in the KJV! In other words, “look well to your going,” when “studying” this INITIUM Doctrine. In fact everyone should follow the clear example set forth by the noble Bereans:
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11 [KJV]
WARNING: WOE to those that “lightly glean” the information on this website, vainly puffed up with “a little bit of knowledge:” respecting “All the council of God!” WOE to those that then “arrogantly think” to wrongly approach, “as if to somehow rebuke” or “doctrinally correct:” New Testament Bishops/Pastors/Elders! Now take heed: “for your own sake:” to avoid “suffering as a FOOL!” In all thy gleaning here onsite, first: Get an Understanding!
Knowing things about the now unseen God, of the Bible [KJV], that “you've freely gleaned here,” from this website, is very different from “personally knowing” and “closely walking” with Him! To argue, or strive with: “true men of God:” NIFB Bishops/Pastors/Elders (more knowledgeable of the KJV and walking it out as “actual friends of Christ:” while also “shouldering the greatest responsibility”) about this: “out of left field:” newfound “revelation:” is nothing short of “WICKED!” Such an “arrogant attitude” is to have “the same mindset” like that of: “Korah!” Look at what happened to him, and those that agreed with him, against God’s ordained leader: “Moses” (read Numbers 16 [especially the latter portions: vs: 32 and 33])! This is like approaching your Bishop and saying: “we’re saved Christians too” and “our voices should be heard” (nobody is this “blatantly stupid:” but just in case: “take heed”)! These “literal FOOLS” were “void of understanding;” they had “no fear of God,” nor “fear of His prophets.” Suddenly these “FOOLS” were “swallowed up alive,” by the earth itself, and “went down screaming” straight into: “the Everlasting Fires of HELL!” God put that “super scary example,” in scriptures, as “a clear WARNING” to show the depth of “His anger” and that: “He will actively avenge” those that “foolishly think” to argumentatively strive with, frustrate, or antagonize “a true prophet of God:” for the Bible also clearly WARNS:
“And when they went from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people; He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes, Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” 1st Chronicles 16 [KJV]
“…Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.”
Furthermore men of God (and also laymen soul-winners alike) are also wisely charged by God: to “reject” what they perceive to be a “heretic,” or perhaps even: “a confused or unstable soul,” after “the second admonition.” So if you have not studied out the matter for yourself, before God, you then become “an ignorant parrot:” misrepresenting this Doctrine! Do you want to serve Satan: as his “minister of confusion?” Would you dare hinder the work of the ministry: and the very cause of Christ? And if you are reading this WARNING, and ignore same, what will God do with you: even suddenly? To wrongly mishandle this Doctrine is to provoke: “the Vengeful Jealous Wrath of God”!
“And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” Matthew 21:44 [KJV]
To be “broken” on the Rock of Christ: is: “to be found a liar” and thusly “shamed” and or otherwise “destroyed!” Even if you are already “SAVED” (have already received: the “absolutely irrevocable” “Free Gift of Salvation” and “Eternal-Life:” and are thereby made a partaker of the “Immortality” that is solely found in Christ: 1st Timothy 6:16, because “His Life” is also “the Light of men:” John 1:4 [KJV]), you can still face “disciplinary judgment” from God presently: “here on earth” (for God is known to “physically kill men” for offering “the false worship” of “STRANGE FIRE” before Him)! So “IF” you knowingly “play with this FIRE” (wrongly misspeak or lie against: “the truth of Him”), by foolishly speaking about it, without first: “thoroughly studying it out” for yourself, “THEN:” “you will get Judged”!!! Because of its fundamental nature, this deeper doctrinal truth, about God, is “very serious business” (involves: “Eternal Life” and “Eternal Death”)! Now hear this life saving wisdom:
“Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.” Ecclesiastes 5:1 [KJV]
Note that this scripture is IMPERATIVE! So: in simplest terms: it’s far better to wisely: “SHUT UP,” and to rather instead wisely “hear” what “the Spirit” is otherwise saying, about the issues of life, to your edification, in the house of God, than: “…to give the sacrifice of FOOLS…” (opening your mouth, in unlearned fashion). If you can’t explain this Doctrine, nor the scriptures that affirm it, you then become “contrary to this Doctrine:” sounding like a “Modalism or Oneness heretic.” Worst case scenario: you might suffer “God’s chastening:” by being: “spiritually judged:” by men of God: and cast out of the Church (to perhaps suffer further scourging, from God, via His ravenous slave-servant: Satan). So now you see that: you are not to cause “the evil of confusion” (nor sow “any kind of discord” or disruption or “disharmony”) in the house of God (by “ignorantly parroting:” “without knowing what you are talking about”): concerning this or any deeper understanding of a fundamental doctrine (in this unique case this is arguably “the most sensitive doctrine” because it involves: “the very nature of Godhood”)! Now: there is a biblically prescribed “RIGHT WAY” to properly approach your: Bishop/Pastor/Elder about this unfolding revelatory INITIUM Doctrine.
- FIRST: diligently study this Doctrine per “the KJV” (read “INITIUM” and these expounding “Reports”);
- PRAY: to the Lord for the opportunity to share this with your Pastor;
- THEN: respectfully entreat your Pastor about this Doctrine;
- ASK: them to check us out HERE onsite: TrinityGenesis.com;
- MOST OF ALL: DON’T EVER: behave like a sneaky little lying weasel, by going around your Pastor’s back; but rather, get his permission first, and, “ONLY with his blessing:” “and clear say so:” can you be: “right with God:” about: sharing this deeper Doctrine with fellow saints in your local assembly:
“Let all things be done decently and in order…” 1st Corinthians 14:40 [KJV]
Now, without further ado, here’s….. “MICAH 5:2 DECODED:”
At first glance, Micah 5:2 [KJV] seems to directly contradict “the INITIUM Doctrine” (specifically that: the eternally self-existent Father “Literally Begat” [“brought into existence” “Divine Life”] “the Son of God:” “In the beginning…” [see: John 5:26, Colossians 1:15, Hebrews 1:4 KJV]). As with any deeper Bible doctrine, however, it takes “rightly dividing God’s word” in order to get to the truth of the matter; so let’s delve in….
“But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” Micah 5:2 [KJV]
“.…whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.”
Since this unequivocal prophetic scripture, about the Son of God, cannot be contextually broken, let’s rightly dissect this definitive statement (in piece by piece fashion). Surely His goings forth have been: “…from of old…” This purposefully isolated phrase (“…from of old…”), however, is specifically describing: “from the beginning of time itself” or “since time began;” this is also understood by “the age of the Universe;” for “time itself” appeared with “the creation of the Universe.” Furthermore, this specifically validates “the Son’s title:” as: “the Ancient of Days:” Amen.
Now, the next isolated phrase: “…from everlasting” requires “understanding biblical context” respecting the balance of scriptures about “the Father” and “the Son.” And in order to contextually reconcile this phrase: “…from everlasting,” it is also necessary to discern by first asking this question. “What is the beginning?” And also: what “existed” and “transpired,” or occurred, therein (“In the beginning…”)? The following scriptures, from the book of Isaiah, lend insight into “the eternal nature” of the Father and the Son; this is contextually understood by the “specific opposing titles” respectively attributed to Them as shown here in parentheses.
“Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first (the Father), and with the last (the Son); I am he.” Isaiah 41:4 [KJV]:
The Father is the One speaking here: in Isaiah 41:4 [KJV]; context is realized by “the First;” because He is the One that clearly states that the Last is also with Him! Given the Son’s identical mirror likeness to His Father, differentiating the Father from the Son is elusive in the Old Testament. Now let’s look at a similarly worded passage in Isaiah 48:12 [KJV]; also note the mirror likeness of the Son to His Father.
“Harken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first (the Father), I also am the last (the Son).” Isaiah 48:12 [KJV]
The Son is the One speaking here: in Isaiah 48:12; context is realized in understanding that the Son, being “equal” to His Father in “Godhood” (see Philippians 2:6), has “the supreme authority” to speak wholly on behalf of the Trinity (Colossians 2:9, Revelation 1:8, 1st John 5:7 [KJV]). Furthermore: this is also contextually understood, by the next verse: “13;” because: “by the Son’s own hand the Universe was made” (see Ephesians 3:9, John 1:3, Colossians 1:16). Context is also realized in verse: “16;” this is also a most notable “Trinity verse” in the Old Testament (Isaiah 48:16). The following contextually shows each Person of the Trinity in parentheses:
“Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I (the Son): and now the Lord GOD (the Father), and his Spirit (the Holy Spirit), hath sent me.” Isaiah 48:16 [KJV]
God is not the author of confusion; and this truth has always been here, it was only hidden because we’ve failed to: inquire of the Lord and “simply look” (“…seek, and ye shall find;…” [and He will also reveal: Amen])! In addition to showing forth the central doctrine of the faith: “the Trinity,” the Son of God is also specifically stating here that: “…from the time that it was…” (which is to say: “from the time of the beginning”) “…there am I…;” in other words, the Son is telling us that: “He was there:” specifically: “from the time of the beginning: onward:” Amen!
As it pertains to the mystery of “the beginning itself,” there is a “biblical couplet” (two scriptural witnesses) that contextually adjoins “John 1:1-3” with “Genesis 1:1;” and this scriptural couplet is specifically defined by the phrase: “In the beginning…”
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:1-3 [KJV]
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 [KJV]
So, respecting “the semantic understanding” (word meaning) of these passages, “In the beginning…” is describing something “significant and momentous” that God has purposefully “started.” And “whatsoever was started,” by definition, also has an implicitly understood “perpetuity associated with it” (as something that was essentially: “set into motion”). Ergo “…the beginning…” is a “transcendent perpetual phenomenon,” that was caused by God, “wherein” other significant events have also “occurred” (i.e. the creation of the Universe). And, this “transcendent phenomenon” has been classified as: “the Metacontinuum” (the transcendent behavioral continuity of God, which operates outside the horizontal linearity of time). However, looking at both passages, of this couplet, side by side, it is also obvious that John 1:1 and 2 occurred BEFORE Genesis 1:1 [KJV]. Ergo the following statement is true:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.”….AND THEN: “…God created the heaven and the earth.” John 1:1,2 and Genesis 1:1 [KJV]
Now let’s also “comparatively interject” or “contextually weave” elements of Isaiah 41:4 and 48:12 [KJV] with the following dissection of John 1:1, 2 [KJV]; at first glance, some notable correlation can be seen here:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, and the Word was God.”
“….The same (the Last) was in the beginning WITH God (the First).”
“…I the LORD, the first (the Father), and WITH the last (the Son); I am he.”
“….from the time that it (the beginning) was, there am I (the Last)…”
IFF: “the First” (the Father) actually begat “the Last” (the Son), “In the beginning…,” which “semantically makes sense” given these “special titles” respectively attributed to: Father and Son, THEN:
“In the beginning was the Word…”
{{Within the start of the transcendent behavioral continuity of God, which actually defines “the beginning itself,” the Word “already existed;” this is because, at this biblically specified point, within the transcendent continuity of the beginning, “the Son” [the Last] was then: “newly begotten,” by His Father [the First]. Ergo: the Son in His own words states that: “….from the time that it was…” (which is to say: within the context of: the transcendent behavioral continuity of the beginning, “..there am I [the Last]….”)}}
“…and the Word was with God…”
{{Upon His newly begotten manifest appearing, “the Last” was together with “the First:” Amen. So the Word, “…being in the form of God…,” and was thus: “…equal with God:” the Father (Philippians 2:6), coexisted together, within the transcendent behavioral continuity of the beginning: Amen.}}
“…and the Word was God.”
{{Upon His manifest appearing, the Word was also “engrafted” (anatomically possessed, incorporated, or assimilated) onto the eternality of the monotheistic Godhood (even as: “The True Vine”). In other words, “…the Word was God.” (see John 10:30 [KJV]): Amen!}}
“…The same was in the beginning with God….”
{{This scripturally encoded redundancy (which is too similar to: “….the Word was with God…”) is also purposeful; it is not merely “restating the matter” for emphasis (which God often does in scripture immediately after the initial statement), but rather, it also serves to show: the newly established “Divine communion between the Father and the Son.” After first being newly begotten by the Father, and assimilated onto Godhood,” the Word was then “in Divine communion with His Father” (“…The same was in the beginning with God….”) within the time-transcendent behavioral continuity of: “…the beginning…;” so both “Father and Son” were “communing together” within Godhood, even before the existence of the Universe: see John 17}}
“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” John 17:5 [KJV]
When God said that He doesn’t change, it pertains to the Godhead (ELOHIYM: the Trinity): “AFTER the beginning.”
“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6 [KJV]
“….I am the LORD (ELOHIYM: the Trinity), I change not….”
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:1-3 [KJV]
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 [KJV]
“…the Word was made flesh..”
Evidently: the immutable or unchangeable God, of the Bible [KJV], even: “the Son of God” has “additionally taken on” “the form of a man:” “the Lord Jesus Christ” “In the beginning…”! From this telling scripture here, we can plainly see a clear cut case of: “Self-Assimilative Divine Augmentation,” that “has occurred,” within “the immutable God,” “In the beginning…” Does anybody want to deny this statement?
“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on the in the world, received up into glory.” 1st Timothy 3:16 [KJV]
“…God was manifest in the flesh…”
So: “Godhood” has also taken on “manhood:” in the Person of: “the man:” Jesus: the Christ! Ergo the idea that: “No aspect of God had a beginning” is only: “PARTLY TRUE:” in light of these stunning INITIUM Revelations! As we ought to “rightly divide” “the word of truth” [KJV], we should likewise “rightly dissect” “the biblical God:” for: He is: “The Embodying Author of the Living Words of Scripture” [the King James Bible]: Amen!
BEFORE the biblical narrative: which starts with: “…the beginning…,” there was “The Father Only” (more specifically His Innermost-Self: which is anatomically recognized as: "EL" ["the Unmoved Mover" aka: the philosophically defined: "HYPOSTASIS" which actually "Underlies-Defines" the "Indivisible Unity of Godhood"]). And "the Self-Existent" "Preexistence of the Father," BEFORE THE BEGINNING, as: "the Hypostasis," was, is, and forever shall be: "standalone" or "absolutely independent in nature." So this Innermost-Self of the Father is: "the Underlying-Essence-Substrate" (the Hypostasis): which "contextually beds," and actually "lends substance to," the morphological facets of Godhood.
Ergo, in order to understand this deeper truth about God: “BEFORE THE BEGINNG,” a closer examination of the Father is required. While each Person of the Trinity is “coequal” in terms of “Godhood,” the Father has certain qualities and features that are "anatomically exclusive" to Himself. And foremost, among these Divine qualities, is His afore and redundantly stated: “SELF-EXISTENCE.” This intrinsic SELF-EXISTENCE (aka: "the "HYPOSTASIS:" aka: "EL:" aka: "the Unmoved Mover" [aka: "the Prime Mover"] aka: "the Underlying-Essence-Substrate"), while "wholly attributed to God” (and this is “unequivocally true:” given: “the singular nature of Godhood”), the “source of same” (SELF-EXISTENCE), however, is anatomically localized in "the Father’s Person."
This insight, into this “innermost aspect” of the Father’s Person (SELF-EXISTENCE), can be contextually discerned “from several scriptures.” The following scripture is particularly revealing and also fear provoking; because it clearly shows the “Fiery nature” and “generally complete picture of Godhood.” This “anatomical realization” is understood by the distinctive “Hebrew words” that are used for “God” as shown in parentheses.
“For the LORD thy God (the Father of ELOHIYM) is a consuming fire, even a jealous God (EL).” Deuteronomy 4:24 [KJV]
The Father is the One speaking here; and He is wholly speaking for “ELOHIYM:” which represents “the Trinity;” this is contextually realized in the latter portion of this passage; for “the jealous EL” represents: “the Father only;” more precisely: “EL” is the “innermost-Self” of the Father’s Person.
Ergo, per contextually identifiable comparative association, with other validating scriptures, the monotheistic God, of the Bible [KJV], wholly exists as: “EL ELOHIYM.” The next most telling scripture, from the book of Romans, shows how creation itself can also lend insight into the very nature of Godhood (even all anatomical facets of the Godhead):
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” Romans 1:20 [KJV]
The following “analogous observation” seems somewhat oversimplified due to its "conceptual simplicity." However, this is a most concise and powerful insight that is “intuitively discerned,” “self-evident,” and even “universally understood.” This undeniable observation (inspired by Romans 1:20) clearly shows “the glorious pattern of the invisible Godhead” via “the wonders of His creation” (this basic knowledge of God is also fundamental wisdom 101: for: designers, engineers, biologists, inventers, creative hobbyists, and entrepreneurs alike).
{{The inseparable necessities of: “physicality” and “structuring” (which exists as "a matter-energy configuration pattern," against the backdrop of space; the functional nature of this "patterning" can be either "naturally occurring" [having an entropic passivity: guided by the relativity of quantities] and or "artificially imposed" [engineered or unnaturally systemized to produce "objective functionality"]) actually define the CONTEXTUAL-BED of: “FORM;” so this existential necessity of “FORM” is what causally enables and expressly facilitates the very existence of: “autonomous FUNCTIONALITY” (this is the artificially imposed "unnaturally self-guiding kind of functionality" that most defines "living creatures;" and the "order," of this "unnatural functionality," is “integrally threefold” in nature [i.e. “input-process-output,” and also: “sensory: nexus-reflexive: manipulative”]; and this evidently “triune functionality” also serves to “functionally express," "behaviorally conform to," or "expressly animate" a given “algorithm-object”). SIMILARLY: the Father’s CONTEXTUAL-BED of: “SELF-EXISTENCE” sovereignly enables (or “makes inexorably manifest” per “His uniquely inexorable eternal power”) the “three animate PERSONS,” and the “interrelating dynamic,” that relationally exists between Them, which behaviorally conforms to: “the word of the Father's power” (even: the Omni-Imperative Itself) within “the Godhead:" aka: "the Trinity.”}}
“And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.” Isaiah 6:3 [KJV]
Obviously this is well known in Heaven, by the angels of the LORD, as revealed in the telling book of Isaiah. The next scripture also clearly shows this hidden but discernible deeper aspect of the Father’s Person.
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17 [KJV]
“….with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
{{This observation, about the Father, seems paradoxical; in other words: while this biblical statement is unequivocally “true,” it is also misunderstood! Because the Father certainly does have “variableness” (the innate “potentiality,” and also the discernible “aspect-variation,” that is associated with “any kind of form” [as the Father certainly possesses such a “form” or “shape:” even: a “glorious spirit-body:” the “back parts,” of which, while departing, were “visibly seen” by Moses: as detailed in Exodus Ch. 33). And the Father also has: “shadow of turning:” which clearly describes “behavior” (as the behavior of “anything” appears to have a “mathematical cyclicality” associated with it [as understood by the behaviorally “turning” orientation of matter-energy phenomenon in space]). This seemingly paradoxical statement, in James 1:17 [KJV], is more clearly understood by the inclusive preposition: “WITH;” for this is clearly describing the conjunctive coexistence of: an “IMMUTABLE” and “TRANSCENDENT” aspect of the Father’s Person (which is discernibly: His intrinsic “SELF-EXISTENCE”). And this biblically discernible: SELF-EXISTENCE also serves to generally reveal: “the surpassingly greater stature of the Father:” relative to that of: “the Son” and “the Spirit” within the monotheistic Godhood}}
So this incomparable SELF-EXISTENCE of the Father (which is discernibly: “the innermost-Self of His Person”) does not, in any wise, negate “His other inherent capacities” (i.e. His "animate Persona:" whereby He exhibits "Divine behavior" inside the Godhead). But rather, this realization of His SELF-EXISTENCE, clearly shows His “surpassingly greater Divine stature” (in theory: the “animate variableness” or “dynamic potentiality” of the "behavioral aspect" of the Father's Person" (aka: "His animate Persona" [which is completely different from His SELF-EXISTENCE]), exists as an: "inherently unified double capacity:” relative to: the “singular Divine capacity:” that is anatomically specific to: “the Son,” and is likewise, equally specific to: “the Spirit” also [for: the defining quality of "Divine infiniteness" attributed to "the Son" and "the Spirit" are relatively "equal to each other" in terms of "Divine capacity" and, ergo, They are respectively equal to each other in terms of "Divine stature"]). This specifically means that: the Father’s “integral expression of eternal power,” inside the Godhead, is “uniquely meta-infinite” (because “this behaviorally animate aspect of Him” is “surpassingly stronger” [more than "doubly stronger"] than the “combined” “absolutely infinite” “Divine capacities” of both: “the Son” and “the Spirit”).
“Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.” John 14:28 [KJV]
“….for my Father is greater than I.”
There is also “a special shedding” of “the Father’s uniquely inexorable power” that “He purposefully shares” with the Son and the Spirit (i.e. John 17:5); while this “intimate sharing of power,” inside the Godhead, is beyond the scope of this report: it is sufficiently explained in the first edition of INITIUM (in the section titled: VI: "CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE").
More evidence for the underlying SELF-EXISTENCE of the Father, and His anatomical association with “EL,” is also contextually understood from the following scriptures.
“Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God (EL) formed, neither shall there be after me.” Isaiah 43:10 [KJV]
It is discernible that: the Father is the One speaking here in Isaiah 43:10; this is contextually understood by the underlying Hebrew word used for God (EL). What the Father is unequivocally stating here is that: “HIS SELF-EXISTENCE,” by definition, is: “THE PREEXISTENT REALITY:” which essentially means: “ISNESS-ITSELF”)! Furthermore, the very meaning of God’s Eternal Name: “I AM THAT I AM:” literally spells out this: “Underlying-Invisible-Essence-Aspect” of His Person (for “He is uniquely the cause of His own existence”).
The following words were spoken by a wicked “devil,” among a legion of demons (unclean evil spirits), that “rightly worshiped the Son of God” for fear of being tormented!
“And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.” Mark 5:7 [KJV]:
“…thou Son of the most high God…”
This also correlates with Old Testament mentions of: “The Most High:” which is anatomically associated with the Father’s Person (as understood by the Hebrew word: “EL”). Likewise, as previously discussed, this is also consistent with Isaiah 41:4 which clearly states that the Father is: “the First” (which also denotes His foremost: SELF-EXISTENCE) relative to His begotten Son (the Last).
“Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God (EL).” Psalm 90:2 [KJV]
“…from everlasting to everlasting thou art God...”
Now: rightly dividing this scripture contextually reveals the transcendent continuity of the Father (EL) “BEFORE” [from everlasting] and “AFTER” [to everlasting] relative to: the biblically discernible “focal point of origin:” which is “THE BEGINNING.” The following biblically shows this discernible “centrality” that divides “the seamless everlasting continuity of God:” which is clearly defined by: “the Beginning.”
“…from everlasting [from the Self-Existent Continuity of EL] to everlasting [the everlastingness: that stems from the beginning: onward] thou art God [EL].”
Ergo: “to everlasting” (Psalm 90:2) also means: “from the beginning” (Isaiah 48:16, John 1:1,2). This observation is key to decoding Micah 5:2 [KJV]; because it contextually shows that the words: “from everlasting” (of Micah 5:2) are actually describing: “to everlasting” of Psalm 90:2 [KJV]. Only by discerning “the vantage point of Divine continuity,” as marked by “the Beginning,” can these “directionally opposite prepositions” (“to” and “from”), be contextually understood. By comparing “spiritual things with spiritual:” and cumulatively building thereon: we can now see that these “opposite prepositions” (“…to everlasting…” of Psalm 90:2 and “…from everlasting…” of Micah 5:2) are being used “synonymously.” So “the behavioral everlastingness of God” “stems from: the beginning: onward:” “into the unendingness of eternity.” This is why “the Son’s goings forth” was: “…from everlasting.”
Since His “goings forth” came from “timeless behavioral continuity,” it is truly “an anomalous cause-effect phenomenon” that is so “completely different” that it “transcendently operates” outside the mathematically horizontal linearity of “time.” This also clearly reveals that: “an undefined eternity” “has already transpired,” outside time, “In the beginning…” (specifically before the creation of the Universe). And, again, this sovereignly initiated: “timeless everlastingness” contextually defines the meaning of “FROM EVERLSTING” as clearly stated in Micah 5:2 [KJV]: Amen!
Given that “the Micah 5:2 angle” has been sufficiently hashed out, John 5:26 and John 8:42 can also be “semantically reconciled:” by comparatively leveraging the meaning of “these words” against each other: in order to “rightly divide the text” and, thereby, gain “doctrinal clarity.”
“For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;” John 5:26 [KJV]
“…the Father....hath….given to the Son to have life in himself;”
“Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.” John 8:42 [KJV]
“….for I proceeded forth and came from God…”
“.…for I proceeded forth (which means: “to begin” [even: “…to have life in himself…”] and proceed also means: “to continue a course of action” [as His “begotten-appearing:” also initiated and defined His "perpetual behavior" which came "forth from” or “out from” the Father: which defined His “…goings forth…”]) and came from God (came: "from the Father" [even: "from EVERLASTINGNESS-ITSELF"]).”
After fully unearthing the INITIUM Doctrine (as uniquely disclosed in the first edition of: “INITIUM: SELF-GENESIS OF GOD”), there are many “analogue pictures,” throughout the KJV scriptures that “clearly articulate” the “entire backstory of Divine Origins” (specifically: the discernible “order of anatomical appearance” within Godhood: before the existence of the Universe): “In the beginning...” Another stunning observation about “the Son of God,” can be seen as contextually shown in Psalm 90:2. As “His Physical Birth” marks “the center of human history” (as defined by the calendar year), “His Divine Birth,” “...In the beginning…,” as begotten by the Father, is also: “the Epicentrum” of everlasting behavioral continuity within God (which “appeared,” as if atop, onto, or amidst the “Underlying Deeper Preexisting Self-Existent Continuity of the Father”). Again, by the grace of God, even: “the Spirit of truth,” which has “contextually opened up these scriptures unto us,” the goal of decoding Micah 5:2 has been thusly realized: Amen!
Ironically God has been “operating asymmetrically” via this humble “teaching platform.” One main reason is: “the Fire of His Jealousy”! God desires to be worshiped “in spirit” (to fear and love Him with our hearts) and “in truth” (to acknowledge Him: even as He actually exists)! Those of us that are “SAVED” already have “the true God” (for: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: are “one God:” even: “the Trinity:” Amen)! And because we have “the one true God,” we rightly deploy the scriptures that “safeguard against,” and also “directly refute,” the lying evils of “heresy:” Amen!
We begin to: “create a spiritual problem for ourselves,” however, when we start “deliberately omitting truth:” in order to avoid anything, in the scriptures [KJV], that “might appear heretical” (in essence “cherry picking by omission”). Instead of “acknowledging those things” that are “hard to be understood” (lining them up and respectfully considering them before God [even: as “dots” that should be “connected”]), we just passively “ignore them” as they seem hard to place contextually. Some of us adopt this “overdefensive posture” because “we” (born again Christians only: which are the spiritually adopted sons and daughters of God) are already “spiritually enlightened:” Amen!
“And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. 1st John 5:20 [KJV]
So we think that it’s somehow acceptable, in His sight, to “harden up against,” and even “ignore,” certain clearly stated biblical “truths about Him:” even obvious biblical observations that peer deeper into "the Godhead:"
{{i.e. Hebrews 1:3 which clearly distinguishes between "the word of the Father's power" and "the Word" [aka: "the Son"], John 5:26 which plainly reveals "the Origin" or "the Divine source" of the "Son's Life” [which is “Immortality:” 1st Timothy 6:16] aka: “Eternal Life:” because the Son's Life is also: “the Light of men” [John 1:4]. And again looking at Hebrews 1:3, and 1st Timothy 6:16, we can also SEE that: the “deeper invisible glory,” of the Father, anatomically or ontologically differs from the “reflective brightness” that defines the glory of “the Son:" and likewise also: "the Spirit,” etc.}}
Defensively, in “reactionary opposition,” to the present “lying-half-truth-evils” of “HERESY” (i.e. Modalism, Oneness, etc.), we can “make ourselves blind by omission!” And this “willfully caused blindness” to deeper scriptural truths about God can eventually lead to: “Doctrinal ERROR:” the following is: a clear case and point “example of such ERROR!”
{{i.e. While each “Person” of the Trinity is “coequal” in terms of “Godhood,” the Son is subordinate to the Father within the “relational command structure” inside the Godhead (which is discernibly: a hierarchically ordered chain of command: “from Father to Son:” and: “from Son to Spirit”). As if ignoring “what these interrelating dynamics signify,” between the Persons of the Trinity, there are “some” that now: “willfully ignore” or “otherwise deny” the irrefutable fact that: “the Father:” is “distinctly GREATER in stature” (which means: “qualitatively superior”) relative to that of: both: the Son and the Spirit.}}
This specific ERROR about the very nature of Godhood is symptomatic of: a contextually, and ergo, associatively imprecise “false conflating:” that deliberately applies certain qualities to the Son that are biblically specific to: the Father’s Person. While “most things” that are biblically written about “the Father” can also be “equally said” about “the Son,” this false conflating, between Father and Son, is: “a shell game tactic.” In other words, this tactic selectively misuses the “monotheistic Godhood:” in order to obscure the biblically discernible TRUTH about: “the very begetting of the Son of God:” which also biblically discloses “the entire backstory of Divine Origins” (even: “the Genesis of the Trinity”).
In order to objectively see into the mysteriously invisible monotheistic God, He would rather have us to: “perceptually dissect Him:” according to the “specific distinctions” that He has made, about Himself, within the scriptures [KJV]. Understanding these “biblically stated partialism-like observations” allow us to “rightly discern” and otherwise clearly see the “respective differences” between the Father and the Son. This “contextually sound objective association” clearly shows the anatomical intricacies within God, while also respecting the “fearfully transcendent monotheistic nature of Godhood” (even as: “The-Meta-Existential-Singularity” ["T-M-E-S"]: which is now seen by faith); for the invisible and singular nature, of the biblical God, is literally “beyond imagination:” Amen.
The “biblically disclosed anatomical distinctions,” that clearly reveal “the greater stature of the Father” (relative to: the Son and the Spirit), are easily provable via “a Romans 1:20 analysis.” According to this “biblical approach” (Romans 1:20), this objective study of God, “via nature itself” (as understood by the truth-commonalities perceived therein), is personally overseen by: the Holy Spirit; so “He will show you.” The anatomical knowledge of the Godhead is obvious, manifold, and overwhelming (i.e. simply looking at: “His invisible Omni-attributes alone” [and as also microcosmically seen in the “correspondingly similar” defining faculties-capacities that are common to “all living creatures:” i.e. “sensory,” “manipulative,” and “neural-nexus”]). And this is just one way, among many, that clearly reveals the “undeniable pattern of Godhood:” but I digress.
To willfully ignore this is to: “worship the true God in vain” (as opposed to “worshiping Him in truth”)! In that case, you may as well “throw away the KJV and get Satan’s NIV instead” (being sarcastic here: not literal: LOL)! Despite the best of intentions, however, the “elegant simplicity of the Trinity” (which allows “anyone” to perceptually “see” the fearful reality of the “invisible God”) does not have “sufficient contrasting clarity” to adequately explain or properly shield against the foolishly invented "heresies” that are “wrested or twisted” from “the scriptures.” While they have "NO EXCUSE" (Romans 1:20) for deliberately trying to: "smear," "corrupt" or "lie against:" "the uncorruptible God" (which causes "their own destruction" due to His fearful Jealously: and vengeful Wrath), many of these KJV scriptures actually point to this "deeper mystery" of “Divine Origins” (i.e. 1st Timothy 6:16, Colossians 1:15, John 5:26, John 6:57 [the Son: for He is: "THE TRUE VINE:" that anatomically or ontologically SUBSISTS by the Father: which is: "THE HUSBANDMAN:" see John 15:1], Hebrews 1:4, Isaiah 41:4 [and how this contrasts with Isaiah 48:12 and Revelation: 1:8], etc.). How can God, whose "invisible pattern" is "clearly seen" via nature, be pleased with this?
This is precisely what can happen when “certain scriptures" are "willfully omitted or ignored” and, consequently, “not taught” (unawares choosing “the fear of heresy,” and “man’s opinions,” over: “the fear of God:” and “what He has specifically stated about Himself within the scriptures”)! Aren’t we supposed to: “grow in the knowledge of God?” Since we have “All 66 Books of the King James Bible,” we can “know of Him” even as we are “known by Him!” So let’s challenge ourselves: to also look at what: “the other scriptures” tell us about God; and, in so doing, we can clearly and wholly see: “the complete picture of Godhood:” Amen!
NIFB Churches have adopted the following TRUE statement almost as if it were some kind of “mantra:”
On this manmade mantra: I also agreeably say: Amen! However, this mantra-like statement is also “a reactionary response” to the lying heresies about Christ. What is also being “subtly implied” here is that: “the Son of God never had a beginning” (because: “the existential difference” between that which was “begotten” and that which was “made” really boils down to “nuance” [because whether begotten or made: “one thing originally proceeded forth and came from another”]). So the essence of the hyper-defensive logic is this: “IF” the Son of God “did have a beginning” or “was literally begotten:” “THEN:” “He cannot be God!” This is the kind of “thinking” (which is actually a failure of "critical thinking" or perhaps it is “defensively closeminded thinking” to a fault) that emerges from “willfully shallow Theology” (failure to accurately discern His: eternal power, Divine nature, and the anatomical facets of Godhood: as stated in the Bible [KJV] and even via nature itself [Romans 1:20])!
Satan’s (and thus Mystery Babylon’s) biggest “False Christian styled Cult:” is “the Roman Catholic Church.” Many that identify with this "Counterfeit Christianity:" “unknowingly worship demons unawares” via: the foolishness of: “idolatry:” (by praying to “saints,” and also ascribing "superstitious beliefs" to them [often by reverently praying to “statues” or trinkets of any kind]). This so called "Church," which is “Dead WRONG” about "most Bible doctrines,” has IRONICALLY adopted “A BETTER MANTRA.” Like any good Counterfeit, they “adorn” or “outwardly dress” their “Christianized Pagan Religion” with “some TRUTH” (i.e. the Trinity, Christ’s virgin birth, His death on the cross, burial, and bodily resurrection, and, of course, His Divinity). This "Roman Catholic Cult:” has IRONICALLY adopted “a more TRUE saying,” about: “the Son of God,” as part of their otherwise “altogether false lying vainly repeated mantra.”
Imagine how this looks before God and all the hosts of Heaven! This is the result of having: a “lack of forthrightness” about “ALL that is biblically stated about Him.” The following scripture contains “a fitting rebuke” by the Lord Jesus Christ: after His bodily resurrection, and appearing as a stranger, walking with His then mournful disciples, about: “believing all the scriptures concerning Him.”
“Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.” Luke 24:25-27 [KJV]
Another reason as to why God showed these revelations here: “on this teaching platform,” apart from my child-like curiosity, is so that: “no flesh should glory in His presence.” Sometimes we get “too puffed up” when God begins to use us in a significant way (i.e. King Saul: started with humility but somehow “forgot to keep the fear of the Lord:” and, after disobeying God, then got envious of his sudden job replacement by: a better man: “David”). But we are “biblically wiser” (because we should understand “the human tendency for envy:” from: James 4:5 [KJV]) and can “see through,” and thus, “shake off,” any such petty wrongheaded “carnal nonsense” (envy stems from “spiritual blindness” [failure to see the spiritual connections and Divine purposes adjoining all saints throughout the Body of Christ]). And if someone is better: and is also doing a better job: by “slaying ten thousand,” then: “it’s a good thing:” to the glory of God, the cause of Christ, and the advancement of His eternal Kingdom: Amen!
So, in my case, God has, on purpose, deliberately chosen “a one trick pony doctrinal specialist” (studying: the anatomy, behavior, and the very nature of the Godhead: but not, as of yet, otherwise mighty in the scriptures: respecting: “All the council of God”), “to doctrinally bring out” “this deeper truth about Him” for these end times. “Men of God:” NIFB Bishops/Pastors/Elders would do well to critically but also rightly judge this unfolding body of work that is: “INITIUM” by prayerfully measuring it against the KJV! Because it clearly shows that “the Son of God” was indeed, in the most literal sense of the word, “BEGOTTEN by His Father.” Once this “INITIUM Doctrine” is discernibly seen, from the scriptures [KJV], we can then begin a more in depth discussion about its “prophetic implications” (even its explosive potential for “Worldwide Evangelism”). And: in all truth: “the Trinity:” is still and forever shall be: “The Untouchable Doctrine of God:” even amidst these INITIUM Revelations (which simply explain the historic “Origins of God” before the Universe): for it is written:
“Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.” Ecclesiastes 7:8 [KJV];
Ergo: “better is: the end-product:” “the Trinity” than: “the formative beginnings thereof!” In other words, the “stunning backstory” about the “Origins of the Trinity:” in no wise negates: the fearful reality of “the Trinity:” Amen! Amazingly (respecting Ecclesiastes 7:8) we literally have “THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS” in “the monotheistic Godhead,” as clearly proclaimed by: the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8 [KJV]
Micah 5:2 [KJV], when contextually brought to light, with the balance of the scriptures, also contextually gives way to: entirety of “the INITIUM Doctrine.” However, the foolishness of “Satan,” and his “reprobate puppet minions,” should also be properly EXPOSED! Ironically many born again Christians, unawares, have been falsely ascribing an almost “worshipful omniscience” to that old lying serpent called: “Satan.” Because they so marvel at “his doctrinally twisting lies” found in his stupid: “Fake English Bible Versions” (i.e. NIV, ESV, NKJV, AMP, etc…). While Satan is a crafty deceiver, he only “distorts the truth.” With this deceptive methodology, Satan “seamlessly alters the bait itself” in such a way that it conceals: “the deadly lying hook inside”! So the essence of Satan’s strategy is actually simple: “to tweak the truth;” this is how he deceptively turns “the TRUTH” [KJV] into “a LIE” [NIV]!
While Satan has considerable “knowledge” (before and after his fall: going “to and fro” in the earth: and the parts of Heaven where he yet has visitation), he is “the first reprobate” (he is the first one to be permanently rejected by God) and the domino-effect of “his evil rebellion” has deceived many and caused them to likewise “consent to sin” “and fall” (both: mankind and angels alike). While Satan is called: “the father of lies:” he is nothing more than “a wicked fallen unclean spirit;” so he is “an evil psychotic murderous creature” of “darkened understanding.” Ergo, despite his formidable knowledge, Satan’s “reprobate mind” cannot fully grasp “spiritual things.”
Look at how God totally: played, schooled, spanked, shamed, and “completely owned” Satan in “the book of Job”! So, not counting WISDOM (because the lowest HELL is reserved for this biggest FOOL), who is more subtle, clever, and cunning or has more guile: God or Satan? Marvel not that Satan, being: “a spiritual loser,” thought to “subtly tweak Micah 5:2” in this way! Now let’s actually look at Satan’s tweak, of Micah 5:2, in his favorite “lying rag: used toilet paper of record:” called the: “NIV” (aka the: “Non Inspired Version”):
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans[a] of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Micah 5:2 [NIV]
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Because Satan brutishly thought to “semantically distort,” he has accidently “stumbled into a hidden truth unawares.” This biggest FOOL, and his likeminded ilk of “darkened understanding,” pathetically failed: “to contextually see” this deeper revelation: “beforehand.” This is because Satan’s “perfectly memorized knowledge” of the scriptures (even the Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew) does not have the benefit of “the true wisdom” and “understanding” that can only come from “above.”
Again, for the sake of clarity, Satan’s "spiritual blindness," explains why he simply “inverted” the perceived meaning of: “from everlasting” in Micah 5:2 (which, on its face, implies: “without beginning” [just as it is “identically worded” in Psalm 90:2: which actually does mean: “without beginning”]). This is an awesome “head fake” by God who has outwitted Satan time and time again! Furthermore, God has also sufficiently embedded this doctrine, deeply within the scriptures [KJV], in order to cause a “delay in discovery” about “His own Origins” (the INITIUM Doctrine): even as He instructed Daniel to conceal knowledge that was to be revealed for these end times!
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4 [KJV]
As a useless broken clock that is right twice a day, Satan’s inverted tweak of Micah 5:2, unawares, “has accidently revealed TRUTH!” God is also “literally mocking Satan,” “to his face,” by this “unfolding revelation!” While the LORD takes no pleasure in “the destruction of the wicked,” He does, however, “emotionally enjoy a good sarcastic laugh” as He “MOCKS” the “baffling stupidity” in the hearts of those that have “knowingly chosen to deny Him,” ignoring His mercy offered via Christ, dissuading others from finding Him, and even conspiring against Him, while also aware of “the terrifying reality of HELL:” until His slow but frighteningly volcanic anger eventually rises: as a kindling FIRE: before He “terribly DESTROYS them:” “WITHOUT MERCY” in “THE EVERLASTING TORTURES OF HELLFIRE”! The following example, from academia and the scientific community, shows how God likes to “MOCK” the wicked before He "BURNS them FOREVER" in HELL!!!
{{i.e. “Evolutionists” (the "zealots" that foolishly ignore both "reason" and "evidence," but not the intellectually honest scientists that actually "observe evidence," analyze data, and do their own research) that have grossly misclassified mankind as an offshoot of a totally made-up imaginary “ape-like creature” (of which there is “zero evidence” for) which has been termed: “HOMO–ERECTUS.” With this “extremely queer sounding classification," God has greatly “MOCKED” these “willful haters of Him” (i.e. Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye, Neil de Gracie Tyson, Sam Harris, Alex O’ Connor, etc.) with their own "pseudoscientific terminology:" whereby they literally call themselves: “FAGGOTS” (which means: bundles of “STICKS” that are fit to be “BURNED”)}}
So don’t reject this deeper truth: “INITIUM:” because of Satan’s brutishly unsmart “inverted tweak” of something that “he doesn’t really understand” (the true nature of “Divine continuity” with respect to “the Beginning:” as contextually discerned in “the living words” of “the KJV Bible”)! This “special report” contains a “significant but only partial revelation” of “the overall INITIUM Doctrine.” But I believe that this particular expounding of Micah 5:2 [KJV] was necessary in order for onlookers to realize the “validity” of these “doctrinal claims” presented here onsite (which purposefully expounds on the first limited edition of “INITIUM: SELF-GENESIS OF GOD”)!
Without direct knowledge I also believe that: “Heaven,” and secondly, the accompanying hosts therein, have also taken notice of “this unfolding Doctrine,” even before it was first published in June of 2021. And “He” who sits upon the throne in Heaven (and “the Son:” who also sits: at His right hand), is firstly watching below to see how “we,” which are as mere grasshoppers in His sight, will respond to this unfolding revelation about Him! Look at how God has visited mankind at the tower of Babel!
“And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained form them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.” Genesis 11 vs: 5-8 [KJV]
In this special case, we can see that the LORD (the Trinity) personally “came down,” from Heaven, to visit this “unique situation” that would significantly impact all of mankind. First God came down from Heaven and went “part-way or mid-way down,” at some point above the city and tower of Babel. From this vantage point, He chose to “CLOSELY INSPECT” and “internally discuss” the matter within His own elite council (the three Persons of the Godhead). And finally, He then came: “ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE:” “being stealthily unseen but also: “TANGIBLY PRESENT:” in order to: “SOVEREIGNLY INTERVENE:” and “effectually alter the situation:” “as He saw fit!” This special case of “Divine Intervention” provides “a revealing pattern” that has been purposefully shown to us here in the scriptures [KJV]; and this was in direct response to” “a most extreme situation.”
You can forget about Satan right now; because he is also "terrified" of this example; because he knows that this is true! And this is the reason why it is so “woefully ignorant” to ever say: “I MAKE Jesus Lord….” This “ignorant phrase” is often uttered in Pentecostal circles: even for Salvation! “WE CAN’T MAKE HIM LORD:” BECAUSE: “HE IS LORD”!!! So it doesn’t matter what anyone says or thinks about this! Have you not read or even heard?
“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 [KJV]
And who is to say, whether or not, that: the LORD, won’t likewise come down to: CLOSELY INSPECT and SOVEREIGNLY INTERVENE in this present situation? While “the Fear of the LORD is clean:” whereby we can clearly see the invisible God (even: the Trinity: Amen), to grow in the knowledge of His Son is something that He also desires! God is looking for “true worshipers:” those who desire “to see into Godhood” (even as “He actually exists”)! So the days of “Have it Your Way:” “Burger King Theology” are coming to an END! All of that being said, however, as the scripture plainly tells us:
"But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant." 1st Corinthians 14:38 [KJV]
So we can "freely choose" to peer deeper into the mystery of the eternal Godhead (respecting the boundaries of what may be known of Him). We know that "God is not the author of confusion." Ergo, with all fear: this biblically unearthed INITIUM Doctrine will be: “shown forth with increasing clarity,” “taught,” and thusly “propagated throughout the earth:” to both “saved” and “unsaved” souls alike, according to the will of God, in the name of Jesus Christ: Amen!
As a fearful steward of this unfolding INITIUM Doctrine, after “purging errata,” including “more biblical proofs,” “new insights,” I, Lord willing, will be synthesizing and repackaging this body work (INITIUM): into “manifold differing resources.” “For the most part,” these resources will be “FREE.” This is largely due to “the shameless price hikes” of our “original Paperback book” on Amazon! Do you really think that Satan wouldn’t try to impede this work (i.e. media suppression, “the greed factor:” and the “love” of money)? So prayerfully consider if you wish to purchase: “the Paperback of INITIUM,” which is “Greedily Overpriced,” at this time; because “BETTER IS ON THE WAY!!!” And besides, you already have access to “the King James Bible” [KJV] and “the FREE content” here onsite! So “freely dive in” and glean it for yourself! To those that already know the Lord: and can “spiritually see:” and have an idea of what’s really going on: I personally want to say: in advance: “THANK YOU” for any of your heart felt “prayers of faith:” that reach His ears: that: “His will shall be done:” in the name of Jesus: Amen! That’s all for now: stay tuned: and Enjoy!
This is a revision of a previous report that cited: a "possible doctrinal error" while decoding Isaiah 44:24 [KJV]. Now that this issue is better understood, per ongoing study of the scriptures, this has become a teachable moment: about accurately dissecting God from the scriptures [KJV]. Short of “the true Gospel message” (the power to save mankind from the impending reality of HELL), INITIUM unveils the Divine revelation of this century: “THE SELF-GENESIS OF GOD:”
{{the primordial spawning of “the Trinity:” whereby the defining morphology of the Godhead “manifestly appeared:” and was thus: “eternally engrafted” onto the ever-immutable essence-aspect of the Father’s Person [“EL:” “the Unmoved Mover”]; this “manifest engrafting of the Trinity” onto the innermost-essence of the Father [EL], actually defined “the beginning itself:” even before the creation of the Universe}}.
However, the initial approach to study was largely attributed to a “Romans 1:20 Analysis.” Although this most revealing angle of analysis is truly biblical, it is only “one strong witness” within the Bible [KJV]. In order to establish “sound Bible doctrine” (as opposed to logically derived theories and suppositions), there should be at least “two,” or more, “agreeable witnesses” clearly found in scripture.
INITIUM also supposes that the creation of the Universe was, and yet is, actively caused by "the cooperative synergy" between: “the Son” and “the Spirit.” That being said, however, this supposed “Divine Synergism,” within the Godhead, was derived by way of “logical inference:” given what the Bible otherwise clearly states about Divine behavior. While this “unspecified truth” is not detailed, in the Bible, it can be plainly seen, in a roundabout way, from the scriptures that tellingly point to the likelihood of this “theoretical supposition.”
Since this cannot be counted as “clear Bible doctrine” (at this present stage of research), “simply seeing” this “hidden” but “logically apparent truth” within the scriptures, is the goal of this special report! God thought it “unnecessary,” to specify this in the Bible [KJV]; ergo, I will proceed with due caution and true fear (wisely avoiding the evils of heresy: and the jealous wrath of God), in light of these next scriptures, let’s begin!
“Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” Proverbs 30:6 [KJV]
“As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.” 2nd Peter 3:16 [KJV]
Doctrinal Fact 1: Both Father and Son are “co-creators” of the Universe.
- 1A: The Father created all things (the Universe):
"And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ." Ephesians 3:9 [KJV]
- 1B: The Son created all things (the Universe):
“All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made” John 1:3 [KJV]
Note that this revealing scripture doesn’t exclude the other Persons of the Godhead; but rather it unequivocally states that the Son had hand in “making all things” (the Universe). The following are some purposefully extracted “scriptural isolates” that also underline and further clarify that: the Son is "actively causing,” and thus “perpetually sustaining,” (upholding) the existence of the Universe.
“…by him all things consist.” Colossians 1:17 [KJV]
“…upholding all things…” Hebrews 1:3 [KJV]
So, biblically speaking, APART from the equally biblical "Romans 1:20 Analysis" (whereby the eternal power and anatomical facets of Godhood can be clearly discerned), it appears that only “the Son” is actually causing the Universe to exist by His own eternal power. Thus the Son is performing this “perpetual Divine action” (manifestly “causing-sustaining” the existence of the Universe) per an eternally abiding command from the Father.
Doctrinal Fact 2: There is a “hierarchical authority structure” within the Godhead.
Before examining further, it should be firstly understood that there is an obvious “two-tier hierarchy” within the Godhead; and this hierarchy is structured like a pyramid. In short, the Father rules His “top-tier domain;” and likewise, the Son rules His own “second-tier domain.” Also note that the Spirit also coexists within the Son’s domain; ergo the Spirit is behaviorally in subjection to the Son. INITIUM has theoretically identified the Son’s domain as: “the Divine subculture” (wherein the Spirit obeys the Son). The following scriptures, spoken by “the Son of God:” “the Lord Jesus Christ,” provide a glimpse into this discernible “hierarchy” and, therein, aspects of the “interrelating protocol” between the three Persons of the monotheistic Godhead (the Trinity).
- 2A: The Father has authority over the Son:
“Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” John 5:19 [KJV]
- 2B: The Son has authority over the Spirit:
“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:” John 15:26 [KJV]
- 2C: There is a relational chain of command within the Godhead.
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” John 14:26 [KJV]
“He [the Spirit] shall glorify me [the Son]: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” John 16:14, 15 [KJV]
Ergo, while both: “the Son” and “the Spirit” are equally in subjection to the Father, the “Spirit is also in subjection to the Son” (which defines the nature of the relational harmony within the Divine subculture). Thus there is a relationally ordered “chain of command” within the “Godhead hierarchy” (from Father to Son, and from Son to Holy Ghost). This also means that: the “agency of the Son” can also include the Spirit; for the Spirit behaviorally shadows (or complements) the actions of the Son; thus the Spirit operates in the name of the Son and obediently serves at His discretion.
The disclosed insight, about the “two-tier hierarchy” within the Godhead (the Trinity), is very evident when studying the Old Testament scriptures. Given the Son’s identical-mirror likeness, to His Father, accurately differentiating between “Father” and “Son” can be elusive; it requires searching out the given context from the Bible [KJV]. In keeping with the purposes of this report the sampling of these Old Testament decodes will be limited.
Doctrinal Fact 3: Both Father and Son are “co-saviors” of mankind.
- 3A: The Father is the Savior:
“Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD (the Father of ELOHIYM), and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God (EL: the Personhood of the Father only) formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD (the Father of ELOHIYM); and beside me there is no saviour. Isaiah 43:10-11 [KJV]
Note the contextually vetted wording added in parentheses; the actual Person, of the Trinity, speaking here is “the Father.” However, what’s most interesting here is this isolated portion:
“….I, even I, am the LORD (the Father of ELOHIYM); and beside me there is no saviour.”
Since this is discernibly the Father speaking, how can He say: beside me there is no savior? So context is crucially important in order to properly decode Isaiah 43:11. In the truest sense, the Father is absolutely “the Savior” insomuch that: He is: “the Prime Mover” (aka: “the Unmoved Mover” [aka: EL: “the Self-Existent Ever-Immutable innermost-Self of the Father:” also see James 1:17, Psalm 90:2 KJV]); as such, He is “firstly responsible” for charging and deploying “the agency of the Son” in order to redeem the souls of mankind; this is clearly stated in the most famous Bible verse of all time:
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 [KJV]
- 3B: The Son is the Savior:
While the Father is “firstly responsible for salvation” (for He gave, by sending, His only begotten Son), this fact, by itself, seems insufficient to explain “the exclusive wording, by the Father,” in Isaiah 43:11 (“…beside me there is no saviour.”); for in “the broader biblical context,” it is unequivocal that “the Son is the Savior:” Amen! Here’s just one, among many, powerful examples:
“But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:” 2nd Timothy 1:10 [KJV]
In order to logically reconcile Isaiah 43:11 with the many scriptures stating that: “the Son is the Savior,” it is important to understand that the Father was speaking wholly: “on behalf of ELOHIYM” (this means that He was also speaking for the other two Persons of the Trinity). This “monotheistic understanding” (see Isaiah 41:4, and 1st John 5:7 [KJV]) of the Father’s singular voice, speaking wholly: on behalf of "the singular Trinity" (wherein the Father spearheads and the Son seamlessly cooperates in tandem) best explains His exclusive wording in Isaiah 43:11: “…beside me there is no saviour:” Amen.
This next Old Testament decode is most glorious indeed; for Moses actually bore witness to the Son of God! More specifically, when God revealed His Eternal Name to Moses, in Exodus 3:14 [KJV], “the Son of God” was the “Divine Person” that actually spoke: wholly on behalf of the Godhead (the Trinity).
“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”
Context is realized in the latter portion of this eternally historic verse:
“….I AM hath sent me unto you.”
This specific term: “I AM” (as opposed to: “I AM THAT I AM”) biblically authenticates that “the Son of God” was the Person of the Godhead that actually spoke to Moses; for this exact phrase: “I AM” is exclusive to the Son of God: the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” John 8:58 [KJV]
“I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.” John 8:24 [KJV]
“….if ye believe not that I am….ye shall die in your sins.”
The word “he” was purposefully added “per Greek to English translation;” ergo we have a “scriptural couplet” (two witnesses) that clearly shows that the Son of God is indeed “I AM.”
The following decode can be tricky and perplexing; because, on its face, this scripture can apply to either Father or Son. Keep in mind that: the Father and the Son are “co-creators” of the Universe; for by the Father’s special command, the Son is “actively causing the Universe.”
“Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;” Isaiah 44:24 [KJV]
In this case, however, “the Son” is the Person of the Godhead that was actually speaking: “wholly on behalf of the Trinity” in Isaiah 44:24. This is contextually discernible by skipping backwards to the previous verse in Isaiah 44:6 (“…I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.”); similar wording was clearly spoken by “the Son of God,” severally throughout the book of Revelation. As previously shown, in Exodus 3:14 [KJV], the Son also speaks wholly: on behalf of the Trinity (ELOHIYM). The following New Testament scripture lends further clarity to this powerful truth about the Son of God.
“For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” Colossians 2:9 [KJV]
This Old Testament decode lends deeper insight into the eternal nature of Father and Son.
“Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he.” Isaiah 41:4 [KJV]
Note this “biblically revealed disparity,” between “the First” (the Father) and “the Last” (the Son); this provides a telling glimpse into the true nature of Divinity. More specifically, these opposite titles: “First and Last,” respectively attributed to “Father and Son,” show “the difference between Them.” The Father is “the most high” part of Godhood; for He is uniquely SELF-EXISTENT in His Personhood (Isaiah 43:10, Psalm 90:2 ["Ever-Immutable" before and after the beginning], James 1:17 [revealing this underlying essence-aspect of Him that transcends behavior]); ergo the Father (being greater in "Divine stature" than the Son [John 14:28]) is unequivocally “the First:” Amen. As understood by His familial title: “the Son” (while "coequal in Godhood") is “the express Image” of “the Father’s Person.” Ergo, the Son: is “the Last:” Amen.
The truest and most powerful “analogue” about God, in the entire Bible [KJV], can be “spiritually seen” within: The Eternal Name of God Itself:
So we can “analogously see” that “the First I AM” belongs to "the top-tier domain;" this clearly represents “the Father only.” And the Father is: “THAT:” contextually preexisting contingently necessary basis for: the very existence of "the second-tier domain" of the relatively subsistent One: “the Last I AM” (John 8:58): “the Son” (which clearly explains: “John 5:26” [the Father gave Life to the Son], "John 8:42" [proceed: "to come forth from a source"], Hebrews: 1:4 [for He, by Divine inheritance, obtained the more excellent name: “Son,” thus He was actually "born into His inheritance" even as: "the only begotten Son of God"], John 1:1 and 2 [the narrative, before Genesis 1:1, that sufficiently articulates the very “begetting of the Son of God:” as understood by “the relative simplicity of His manifest appearing,” as One that was “eternally engrafted onto Godhood,” even as: “The True Vine:” in the beginning: wherein the eternal communion between Father and Son "began:" even before time itself: see John 17:5], Colossians 1:15-17 [stating that: as "the firstborn" He created everything else], and 1st Timothy 6:16 [showing that "the Son's lone immortality," which is the "fount-source" of eternal life, for all born again believers, actually subsists or "exists by" the unseen deeper invisible Light of the Father] also see John 6:56-58 [where the Son, being in the bosom of the Father, states that: He actually lives by the Father: even as our reborn spirits eternally live by Christ]). And, completing the picture of the Trinity, this subdomain: ruled by the Son only (the Divine subculture), also includes the Holy Spirit: Amen.
“….I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he.” Isaiah 41:4 [KJV]
"Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last." Isaiah 48:12 [KJV]
Even without this “analogy inspired dissection” of His Eternal Name, "this Doctrine" of God's “Divine Origins” (aka: “the INITIUM Doctrine”) can now be clearly seen by rightly dividing the Bible scriptures [KJV]. "THE HANDWRITING IS ON THE WALL" given what has been shared, thus far, in this special report! By the way, "the Micah 5:2 [KJV] question" has also been “thoroughly answered” in the first edition of INITIUM. Stay tuned for this to be posted here online in the next update of this page; this way “all the bases are covered” on this unfolding Doctrine per the KJV Bible. The relative importance of discerning this "INITIUM Doctrine," from the scriptures [KJV], is that it also rightly dissects "the Logos" ("the Word:" the Son of God) of the monotheistic Godhead. In the Fire of His Jealousy, this deeper revelation of the biblical God is countering, refuting, and dispelling: "all pseudo-theology;" thus He is exposing all heretical lies against Him! WARNING: Woe to those that think to specifically attack this "Doctrine of the biblical God;" for this is "the Doctrine of doctrines:" Amen!
"And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." Matthew 21:44 [KJV]
Doctrinal Fact 4: The Holy Spirit is an inextricably integral part of salvation:
“He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38 [KJV]
“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:14 [KJV]
“In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,” Ephesians 1:13 [KJV]
“But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” Romans 8:9 [KJV]
As previously discussed, the Spirit obediently operates in the name of the Son. This is “the main doctrinal truth” that supports the idea of “cooperative synergism,” within the Divine subculture (wherein the Spirit works, in tandem, with the Son); and this idea of “Synergistic Dynamism,” “controlled by the agency of the Son,” within the Trinity, explains how God is expressly exercising His eternal power in order to actively cause the Universe. The following doctrinal fact also further supports the likelihood of the Spirit’s assistive role in actively causing the Universe.
Doctrinal Fact 5: All three Persons, of the Trinity, took part in the resurrection of Christ.
- 5A: The Father: by way of: commandment:
- 5B: The Son: by way of: His own eternal power:
“No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.” John 10:18 [KJV]
- 5C: The Spirit: by way of: working, in tandem, with the Son:
“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” Romans 8:11 [KJV]
The Son of God, in His own Divine capacity, did not need any assistance from the Father or the Spirit. For He had already received commandment from His Father “to arise from the dead” in due time: “three days after His death on the cross:” Amen.
Immediately after Jesus Christ died on the cross His disembodied ghost-soul descended straightway down below: into the center of the earth: “where HELL exists” (as the effects of which “are visibly seen today,” in part, by “all volcanic activity worldwide:” which severally occurs throughout the earth [making manifest the fiery effects of HELL both in and out of the waters])! Therein, within the depths of HELL itself, the sinless God-man: the Lord Jesus Christ “greatly suffered” in anguish and torment by “the burning of His soul” in Hellfire, for “three whole days.” During this time, while suffering the gross agonies of HELL, however, the Bible clearly states the following:
“Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.” Acts 2:27 (also see Psalm 16:10) [KJV]
“Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.” Acts 2:24 [KJV]
Doctrinal Fact 6: Not counting Divine empathy within the Godhead, the Son of God was “the only One” that “Personally paid the price” for the sins of mankind.
This doctrinal fact is clearly shown in this contextually vetted scriptural isolate:
“.…when he had by himself purged our sins….” Hebrews 1:3 [KJV]
Knowing the innate self-sufficiency of the Son, why did the Father decide to “triple-team” His bodily resurrection? In addition to the Divine agreeableness within the Trinity, these scriptures show that the Father chose to wholly involve Godhood, via active participation of the other two members of the Trinity, in the actively ongoing redemption of mankind. This is a prime example of how the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) operates in relation to creation. In other words, “as” the Trinity actively “triple-teams” salvation, it is most likely the case that: “all three Persons,” of the Trinity, are likewise wholly participating in what is theologically referred to as: “Divine creation” (the invisible, but also directly causal, aspect of God’s eternal power that is manifestly causing the existence of the Universe).
So why didn’t God simply “spell out this apparent truth” in the Bible? Doctrinally speaking, this is of “secondary importance” relative to “true Theology” (Bible Theism: the study of the biblical God). I also believe that God thought it sufficient for the wise and prudent to search out this matter from what is providentially given in the Bible [KJV]. And even if God more plainly spelled out His causal connection to the Universe (i.e. the "Divine Synergism" between the Son and the Spirit), this, by itself, would provoke and invite ongoing debates and foolish arguments by way of "pseudoscience" (science falsely so called).
“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.” 1st Timothy 6:20 and 21 [KJV]
Ergo, if people foolishly scoff at or deny “the worldwide great flood” (the evidence, of which, is overwhelming both: historically as well as scientifically), then they will also likewise foolishly deny that: “the unseen invisible God,” of the Bible [KJV], is “the lone causal explanation” for the manifest existence of the Universe. However, in the interest of real science, it has already been prophesized thousands of years ago, in the book of Daniel, that mankind would realize significant progress in true science and innovation.
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4 [KJV]
Again, in the interest of real science, the following is a redress of “the TVF theory,” first disclosed in INITIUM, about “the creation of the Universe.” However: the biblically inspired “skinny premise” for this TVF theory is this: “the invisible God is expressly projecting His eternal power in order to actively cause the Universe.”
{{Ergo: from the transcendent dynamism and spatially defining Omnipresence of the Meta-continuum: the invisible God is actively casting-projecting some kind of inexorable invisibly irrelative “radiation” [which is thought to exist in the form of a sovereignly predetermined variance pattern of innately disparate catalytic elements] that is designed to “dynamically interact within itself” in order to cause “transubstantiation-effects” [transitioning from “existent but physically irrelative” to “tangibly manifest and behaviorally relative” phenomena] that define “the manifest-pattern of actualization itself” [whereby "things come into existence:" which is thought to explain the characteristic nature of quantum phenomena] which thusly explains the “manifest appearing” and the “dynamic behavior” of the Universe}}.
Ergo, the discernibly “invisible commonality:” “even Truth Itself” (the very pattern of Godhood) that defines sets and mathematics is also the selfsame “Transcendent Causal Agent” that is actively causing the Universe. And this conceptual pillar of Truth Itself, and His causal connection to nature, is the ideal "intuitive basis construct" that “all scientific formulae” should soundly rest upon. Given the unequivocal nature of "this observation" (respecting Truth Itself: and Its observable relationship to nature), this idea, put forth in INITIUM, is only for those who can “see” and thusly appreciate same (witnessing the glorious facets of the invisible God via nature)! As previously cited in 1st Timothy 6:20 and 21 [KJV], apart from sincerely inquiring minds, I see no reason to purposefully engage in “foolish vain jangling” or “unfruitful debates” (that think to ask: does 1 + 1 = 2?) about this “increasingly obvious truth:” amidst this presently ongoing explosion of knowledge (specifically the emergence of “real science” [despite the simultaneous increase of agenda driven misinformation]).
In keeping with “how God relates to nature,” there is a most intriguing mystery found in scripture. This particular scripture tells us that: God is purposefully hiding a certain aspect of "His Divine activity" from mankind via the creation itself. Perhaps this is describing how He is actively weighing the actions of mankind within the broader context of eternity. However, this scripture states that mankind’s fixation on “this earthly existence” (the Universe) somehow hides this aspect of “His Divine behavior” from the minds of mankind: since the beginning onward; this mystery is stated in the following scripture.
“He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 [KJV]
On this wise, INITIUM, by the grace of God, has “answered” this intriguing biblical mystery, albeit in a general way, by theoretically identifying certain "functional aspects of Godhood." One example of this is: "the twofold anatomical word of the Father" (aka: the immutable Omni-Imperative Itself: which "functionally exists" as: "an immutably crystalline expression of the Father's inexorable power:" that "Omnisciently predicts the unendingness of eternity" [and thus It serves to uniquely inform the elite council of the Trinity]). Another, discernible functional aspect of Godhood is the behaviorally animate "Metacontinuum” (the discernible behavior of the Persons of the Godhead). In theory, this Metacontinuum generally describes: the kinetically dynamic behavior, and the relationally orientated sharing of eternal power between the Persons of the Godhead (the Trinity). So "the Divine action" that is actively causing the Universe (aka: "Divine creation") is also generally understood by this Metacontinuum.
Scientifically speaking: the Metacontinuum is also thought to define the very existence of “space itself;” this is understood by “the behavioral orientation” of matter-energy phenomenon (irrespective of supposed or actual relativity). For this “invisibly transcendent behavioral dynamism of the Trinity” (wherein the Son’s own eternal power is integrally expressed and made manifest) is “the Omnipresent bed of transcendent functionality” that enables the “manifest existence” of the Universe.
“He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” Job 26:7 [KJV]
So the Universe is a “functionally existent phenomenon” that “manifestly appears” amidst the INVISIBLE Omnipresence of God (the Metacontinuum). Apart from a few stunning observations, per logical inference, the Divine transcendence of the Metacontinuum (the mysterious behavioral intricacies inside the Godhead) is otherwise unknowable (i.e. contains "immeasurable kinetic behavioral velocities" [thought to be meta-infinite in nature] that have an “absolutely vertical linearity” [whereas t = |0|] relative to the “measurable horizontal linearity” of time); for God’s transcendent ways are truly beyond imagination; and, ergo, they cannot be found out.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 [KJV]
Since the transcendent monotheistic God: “the Trinity:” is actively causing “nature itself” (the Universe), “the fingerprint of His own Divine nature” is ubiquitously present and can be clearly seen per observation (i.e. the nature of spatiality itself is “threefold:” as it underlies all phenomena, the linear continuity of time itself is perceived or understood in a “threefold” manner as: “past-present-future,” the seamless “threefold shape” of the “equilateral triangle” makes it “the most stable geometric shape” found in nature, the kinetic behavior of matter-energy phenomenon is also “threefold” in nature: “action, transition-effect, reaction,” etc.). However, the biblically disclosed deeper knowledge of God, as uniquely disclosed in INITIUM, is also the intuitively understood “Rosetta Stone Template;" this is the “Eternal Paradigm” (the very pattern of Godhood that inspires progressive change itself) that forever defines "All Knowledge" (i.e. the intuitive wisdom seen in the Chinese idea of Yin-Yang, and likewise: the abstract but applicable idea of sets [numbers, logic, axioms, and like conceptual "truth-commonalities"]). These deceptively simplistic truths realized in INITIUM are often lightly esteemed, publicly disavowed, or otherwise dismissed with the subtly of wordplay; but privately they are recognized, and highly esteemed, as the very fount of creativity and the essence of innovation.
"I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions" Proverbs 8:12 [KJV]
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2 [KJV]
While there’s nothing new under Heaven, INITIUM is a revelation about the biblical God; and He, respecting His coregent throne in Heaven (where the Father sits, and, next to Him, at His right hand, the Son also sits), is actually far above and beyond the Heavens and the earth: Amen. However, as it pertains to the “causal mechanics” that theoretically explain the existence-behavior of the Universe, the “doctrinal ambiguity,” about the intricacies of "Divine Synergism” within the Godhead, changes nothing (given that: "God's transcendent eternal power is manifestly causing the Universe"). For the supposed theory, put forth by INITIUM, is arguably the best explanation for the existence of the Universe. The causal mechanics that explain the Universe are "commonsense logical" to any discerning physicist, theorist, or real world scientist seeking the cogent explanation “respecting the evidence” (i.e. particle collision data, the given spatial orientation of matter-energy phenomena [as understood by modeling and theoretical realization of the Metacontinuum] such as: transient m-E conversions, and even retro-causal effects [Superdeterminism: which is thought to reveal the biblically discernible Omni-Imperative within God], etc…).
The biblical God is indeed “the forever greatest eternal Mystery:” Amen! For such a time as this, however, He is NOW revealing many things about “the Light of His Godhood:” via the KJV Bible. And some of these things, LORD willing, “will become doctrine;” even as first disclosed in “INITIUM: SELF-GENESIS OF GOD” and expounding thereon via these SPECIAL REPORTS. The ending of June (specifically: 06/25/23) marks “year two:” from the initial release of this first publication. And the LORD hasn’t disappointed in terms of “ongoing revelation;” stay tuned….
“For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;” John 5:26 [KJV]
UPDATED 05/25/24: SHOWING FORTH THE WORD OF GOD [by Phillippe W. Bryant]
The inspiration for this very special report is the awesome newly released film called: “THE PRESERVED BIBLE.” This glorious work shows how the hand of God has sovereignly preserved His word throughout history! This powerful documentary film is an absolute must see for every Bible believing Christian! Catch it here, for FREE on Rumble, while you still can...
【 The Preserved Bible 】 Full Documentary (rumble.com)
* A very special thanks to “Pastor Jonathan Shelley” of STEDFAST BAPTIST CHURCH (TX) for spearheading this great work! Under Pastor Shelley’s meek and bold leadership, despite manifold persecution (by Satan via his proxy puppet minions), this significant work “has come forth” for such a time as this! STEDFAST has been under fire because they “show forth,” preach, teach and otherwise exemplify “the whole council of God”! STEDFAST is part of God’s worldwide growing NIFB movement (KJV Bible Only Churches); this is "the true Spirit of revival"! Ironically these manifold attacks, against this NIFB Church, have increased their faith and made them even more fruitful. Obviously the faithful assembly of STEDFAST BAPTIST CHURCH knows their God:
"And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." Daniel 11:32 [KJV]
INITIUM also reveals deeper insights about “the written word of God” (i.e. the faithful English translation: the King James Bible [KJV]). While “holy men spoke,” as they were moved by “the Holy Ghost,” whereby we have the “inspired written words” of God, the Person of the Father actually authors Bible narration. This means that narrative statements, spoken by holy men of God, in the Bible, come from “the mind of the Father!” And this certain authorship, of the Father, can be clearly understood by Jesus Christ, in His own words, in the telling book of John.
“Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.” John 7:16 [KJV]
What is doctrine? Doctrine can be described as the discernible “truths” or “truisms” that are articulated, by God, within the Holy Bible. So doctrine is the collective body of “God’s teachings to mankind," within the scriptures. Since the Father owns Bible doctrine, His mind authors biblical narration. While the Holy Spirit is often accredited with “authoring narration,” the “Spirit of truth” merely conveys the Father’s doctrine to the regenerated spirit of the born again believer.
As discussed in INITIUM, “the written word of God” is an integral part of Godhood! This means that “the invisible things of Him” such as: the “transcendently ordered information," seen in "mathematical anomalies” (the irrational numbers, the Mandelbrot set, etc.), also exists in the humanly recognizable form of “words” (for the immutable “words” of the Bible actually exist as invisibly intangible "truth-abstractions" such as “numbers”); and “these words” (which "numerically exist" as a logically unbroken "word-object-nexus” algorithm) are "written,” "printed," or otherwise "physically expressed,” in order for people to tangibly handle and read "the Holy Bible." Ergo, the "inspired written words” of the Bible are part of “the invisible things of Him” (Romans 1:20 [KJV]). This explains why it is “crucially important” to rightly discern which “Bible” is "the true word of God!" In the English language, the faithfully translated “King James Bible” [KJV] is unequivocally “the true word of God:” Amen!
A deeper, but certainly biblical, understanding of “the word of God” is that It is actually “twofold in nature.” This means that part of God’s immutable word is specifically tailored for mankind; and another, more significant, part of His word is specifically tailored to inform the supreme council of the Trinity (more specifically It is designed for the Divine subculture of “The Son” and “The Spirit”). This can be generally inferred by the following scriptures.
“If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.” John 15:10 [KJV]
"...I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.”
Note that the Son obediently observes the "Divine imperatives," that are specifically tailored for Him, by the Father. An obvious example, of these Divine imperatives, is the special command: "to create the Universe" (see Ephesians 3:9, Hebrews 1:3, John 1:3, and Colossians 1:16 and 17 [KJV]).
“I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” Psalm 138:2 [KJV]
“…magnified thy word above all thy name.”
“Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;” Hebrews 1:3 [KJV]
“…upholding all things by the word of his power…”
Without controversy, this telling scripture (Hebrews 1:3) is specifically referring to "the word of The Father's power!" And since "the word" is of "the Father's power," it logically follows that the word Itself exists as "an express manifestation" of His "uniquely incomparable power."
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Hebrews 11:3 [KJV]
“…the worlds were framed by the word of God…”
This means that the "structural nature" of the Universe (being understood by the defining ideas of "form" and "function") is expressly determined by this anatomical word of God (the Father). So this "anatomically invisible word of the Father" actually dictates the "existent nature" of the Universe "...so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”
“Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.” 1st Peter 1:2 [KJV]
“…the foreknowledge of God the Father…”
“Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:” Acts 2:23 [KJV]
“…the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God…”
“Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he.” Isaiah 41:4 [KJV]
“Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning...."
INITIUM SIDEBAR: [about Isaiah 41:4: "IF" the Father is the First, "THEN" who is the Last that is also with Him? Note the preposition "with:" denoting the juxtaposed coexistence of both First and Last as: "opposing titled Persons" within the monotheistic God. Without wresting or twisting this scripture, but rather, simply taking it at face value, provides a revealing peek into the existent nature of the eternal Persons of the Trinity; stay tuned on this...see Special Report: "UNDERSTANDING HIDDEN DOCTRINE"]
“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13:8 [KJV]
“…the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”
“For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” Psalm 90:4 [KJV]
Respecting the Omniscience of God, how was “the Lamb” already “slain” specifically from the time the world began (from the foundation of the world)? This scripture is not poetry; but rather, It is a revealing part of a "definitive prophetic statement” from the Bible [KJV]. Comparing this scripture, with these other scriptures, without twisting them, it is evident that: “…the determinate council and foreknowledge of God...," which is of the Father, by definition, “is something” that “wholly exists” (and, ergo, spans "the unendingness of eternity"). In other words, the "Divine foreknowledge of all events,” within God and the Universe, “has already happened” (or virtually transpired) "throughout the unendingness of eternity;" and It, ergo, “mathematically exists” (as a predetermined meta-existential infinite expression that is comprised of "all existential information" which is thought to be organized as: "all eventualities"); and this is “the twofold anatomical word of the Father.”
And this discernibly anatomical “twofold word of God" has been theoretically identified as “the Omni-Imperative;” this insight is disclosed in INITIUM. However, this special report uses even more scripture to unveil “the twofold nature of God's word” (that It wholly exists as the anatomically living Omniscience of the Father); and It is innately everlasting, crystalline yet alive, and infinitely unending in nature! While "the eternal word of God" wholly exists as “the anatomical Omniscient wisdom of the Father,” It actually had "a starting point of origin" “In the beginning…”! Biblical evidence for this can be logically inferred from the following scriptures:
“For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119:89 [KJV]
“The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Psalm 12:6 [KJV]
“Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.” James 1:21 [KJV]
“Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.” Psalm 119:160 [KJV]
Wisdom is speaking in this poetic scripture:
“The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.” Proverbs 8:22 and 23 [KJV]
"And God spake all these words, saying," Exodus 20:1 [KJV]
“Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning....." Isaiah 41:4 [KJV]
Now look at all of these isolated "descriptive words" taken from these selfsame scriptures:
“settled” (established for all eternity)
“engrafted” (incorporated into Godhood [In the beginning])
“tried” and “purified” (analogous to something that has “transitioned into realized perfection”)
“set up” (established from the beginning)
“possessed” (which is synonymous with incorporated, adopted, or engrafted)
“true from the beginning” (showing that: the eternality of the word stems from the beginning)
"spake all these words" (showing that: the eternal word of the Father is something that was "manifestly caused" or "spoken into existence" and It wholly exists as a "compositely integrated expression")
"wrought" (this is a participle for: "worked" which is contextually understood to be "a perfectly complete finished work," produced by the Father, which absolutely embodies: "the Divine prediction of all things")
All of these “descriptive words” (which commonly convey “a certain process” in defining association with “the word”) serve to reveal that the everlasting immutable word of God “manifestly appeared.” In other words, It actually “transitioned into existence.” This “sovereignly manifest appearance” of His anatomically twofold word was “the very first," and most defining, event of "the beginning”!
“Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding: I have strength.” Proverbs 8:14 [KJV]
Although God uses poetry here, to describe wisdom Itself, in this uniquely revealing scripture, it is still “profitable for doctrine” (respecting "the emergent body of scriptures" that also clearly point to "this doctrine" about: “the twofold word of God” [aka: the Omni-Imperative]). Note the following dissection of same (Proverbs 8:14):
“Counsel is mine….” “The Supreme Council of Divinity” is the twofold word of the Father: Amen.
“…and sound wisdom…” this is self-evident
“…I am understanding…” The Father foreknew: even before the beginning itself; and, therefore, He “spoke the crystallized twofold word into existence” which literally contains: “the Divine event-path," for "God and the Universe," throughout "the ever-expanding infinite-unendingness of eternity:” in the beginning (before the existence of the Universe). Mankind cannot fully comprehend how the biblical God can cause such "an infinite expression" (which integrally contains "all existential information" organized as "all eventualities" [the literal embodiment of "Understanding Itself:" which actually informs the Omniscience of the eternal Godhead]); but the innermost aspect of the Father is "SELF-EXISTENCE" (I AM THAT I AM); and, ergo, He is unique, in His Personhood (Divine capacity), within the Trinity; for He is intrinsically "Meta-Infinite" (beyond-infinite) in nature.
“….I have strength.” This means that: “the twofold word” exists as, or consists of, “the Father’s inexorable power.”
While the Son of God (the Lord Jesus Christ) is unequivocally called: “the Logos,” which is to say: “The Word,” He is often directly or Personally conflated with the “written living words” comprising “the Holy Bible.” And this is true, given "the absolutely singular nature of Godhood." Since “the living words,” as seen in the faithful English translation: "the King James Bible" [KJV], are actually part of Godhood (as "these anatomically engrafted living words" are specific to the Father's Person), it’s understandable as to why many would think that “the living words,” of "the Bible [KJV]," are anatomically specific “the Word only” (the Son of God)! As clearly shown from these scriptures, however, the “twofold word” anatomically belongs to “the Father's Person” (respecting the indivisibility of Godhood: the Trinity).
Because, "all things that the Father has equally belong to the Son also" (John 16:14 and 15 [KJV]), the twofold word, of the Father's Person," is "actively shared" and thusly partaken of and "behaviorally mirrored" in the Son. This is the reason why "the Son" is uniquely called: “The Word;” it is because of His unique designation as: “the Divine Image" of the Father! For the Son “perfectly mirrors” the anatomical word of the Father! Thus the twofold word Itself (the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God) is "behaviorally expressed" as It is "actively conveyed" "from Father to Son" (see John 5:19 [KJV]). Again, respecting this intimate "word-sharing dynamic," between Father and Son, the statement that "the Lord Jesus Christ" is also "the biblical word of God:" is "true;" this is solely because of the transcendent indivisibility of Godhood: Amen! However, this deeper insight into the Divine behavior (per associative differentiation) reveals the nature of the close connection between: "the twofold anatomical word of the Father" and the exclusive title attributed to "the Son only:" as "The Word:" Amen! This deeper doctrinal insight also lends "contextual understanding" that logically reconciles the following scriptures spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ:
"Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away." Mark 13:31 [KJV]
“Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.” John 7:16 [KJV]
The following scripture speaks of the Son’s authorship of our faith.
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 [KJV]
In this case, however, the word “author” here means that Jesus is: "the Object of our faith;" for indeed He is "Almighty God" (Revelation 1:6 and 8, 1st John 5:20, Hebrews 1:8 [KJV]): Amen! And He is also "the finisher” because of “the finished work of Christ” (His death on the cross, burial, three day stay in HELL, and most glorious death-defying resurrection [even as: “the first begotten of the dead”] Revelation 1:5 [KJV]): Amen!
These and many other stunning revelations about “the biblical God” can be found in the limited first edition of INITIUM [SELF-GENESIS OF GOD]. See our PRODUCTS page before buying your copy; enjoy! Until the NEW edition of INITIUM is ready, these SPECIAL REPORTS serve to update, redress, and expand upon, the revelations found in the first edition of INITIUM.
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 18:22 [KJV]
“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Leviticus 20:13 [KJV]
An Explosive New TRUTH BOMB Documentary has ben released by "STEDFAST BAPTIST CHURCH" (TX); watch it here via the link below:
LGBT Terrorists - Documentary | Stedfast Baptist Church (rumble.com)
* Thank you Pastor Jonathan Shelley: for telling the TRUTH about the LGBT; may God continue to bless you, your family, and the faithful assembly of STEDFAST BAPTIST CHURCH!
A faithful member of this same New Testament Church: "Dillion Awes" has also preached a truly powerful sermon:
Why We Won't Shut Up - Bro Dillon Awes | Stedfast Baptist Church (rumble.com)
* Thank you Dillion Awes for studying to show yourself approved before God about the LGBT; and thank you also for having the stones to tell the TRUTH: about these "God-hating sodomite reprobate freaks."
This Special Report also features KJV only Baptist Preacher: “Matt Powell.” He has produced a powerful Seminar called: “The Case Against the LGBT.” It can be found here:
The Case Against the LGBT || Full Seminar by Matt Powell (odysee.com)
* Thank you: Matt Powell for exposing the predatory nature of the LGBT, and educating the public, on behalf of children everywhere!
Here’s the YouTube link:
Phillippe W. Bryant With Benji Cole From CBS Radio - YouTube
* Special thanks to Benji Cole, of CBS Radio, for hosting this revelatory interview.
Google’s AI suppression algorithm, for YouTube, is working as expected (given the finite number of views, for this amazing interview, since the time of its release)! This demonstrates the increasing bias “against the Lord” throughout social media today! And our unapologetic cheerleading for the New IFB (NIFB) community is thought to also serve as a secondary catalyst for this suppression!
We are honored, to be likewise reproached (albeit by recognizing true leaders in the faith), on YouTube! However, these pathetic attempts to suppress TRUTH will have “the opposite effect” in the long term! For the revelations of INITIUM, cannot be contained! Is there any wisdom or council against the Lord? (see Proverbs 21:30 [KJV]). Who shall hinder Him or otherwise stay His hand? So we greatly rejoice, but also with all fear and trembling, even while serving as a witness of His "plummet" (plumb line), of Divine revelation, in the earth!
“For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel….” Zechariah 4:10 [KJV]
God is preparing a table in the presence of His enemies. And the overall effect of INITIUM (and its offshoots) will go Mega-Viral Worldwide in due season: God willing! The ministry of the Holy Spirit is always working in the earth (in the hearts of mankind). So pray that we also: “move with God,” with all wisdom, patience, and endurance, going forward: in the name of Jesus! Meanwhile enjoy these stunning mountaintop revelations about the Lord: even before His fearful and glorious return: Amen.
Due to irreconcilable differences with our first publisher: Outskirts Press, Inc., the anticipated re-launch of INITIUM, via this selfsame publisher, has been CANCELED!!! We will always be grateful to Outskirts Press, Inc., for their key role in facilitating our very first publication! However, the future NEW version of INITIUM (loaded with more biblical proofs) will be published “in house” by our own company! This latest NEW version of INITIUM will reemerge, God willing, respecting copyright laws, and solely at our discretion.
Ironically the availability of the “Limited First Edition,” of INITIUM, by Outskirts Press, Inc., has never been better! Our publishing issues have now become “your buying opportunity”! So, “do yourself a favor,” because this Limited First Edition of INITIUM is currently available at the lowest prices that we’ve ever seen (“Paperback” and “Kindle” [e-book] versions are selling for literally “under $4.00” on Amazon [see PRODUCTS page for links]). Although it’s being sold at amazingly low prices, WE DON’T CONTROL THE PRICING OF THIS BOOK! So, if the pricing suddenly jumps, DON’T GET RIPPED OFF! In response to this “pricing hostage situation,” we’re launching a campaign of "SPECIAL REPORTS" and “FREE DOWNLOADS.” This way you can get the latest updated elements (as they are made available), Bible doctrine, and commentaries, on INITIUM, for absolutely FREE!
For those that are “spiritually discerning,” Mark 4:17 [KJV] tells us that persecution arises for: “the word’s sake” (the bombshell revelatory Bible doctrine found in INITIUM). However (Romans 8:28 [KJV]), “the parting of the Red Sea” is also happening “at this time:” given these low prices on Amazon (straight from the printing press to the people). Despite irreconcilable differences, with Outskirts Press, Inc., these amazingly low prices are actually “commendable” (Luke 16:8 [KJV]) respecting our company’s mission and philosophy (see ABOUT US). So “EVERYBODY WINS” (some spiritually and others naturally) – as long as the pricing stays low: Amen.
“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.” Proverbs 23:23 [KJV]
Taking heed of “sound doctrine,” per KJV Only Baptist preaching, from “the pillar and ground of the truth,” has revealed the true nature of God’s heart about the cover of INITIUM.
“……I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols……” Ezekiel 6:9 [KJV]
This has triggered a “redressing” of the physical “book cover” for the future NEW editions of INITIUM. Although the "picture symbolism" (both the “Yin-Yang” and “e” symbols), on the cover of this First Edition is: “anatomically correct” (identifies certain aspects of the biblical God), we, more specifically I, as the author, now realize that, despite my righteous zeal to destroy false doctrines, lies, and misconceptions, I have “overstepped the bounds of latitude” that God has given me via Bible Theism. Irony of ironies, unawares I’ve used “worldly sensual wisdom” [marketing 101] to make an “idolatrous looking” book cover about God (in essence this was Gideon’s well intentioned “golden ephod”). However, damage control is underway per a less quasi-idolatrous looking book cover.
The subtitle [SELF-GENESIS OF GOD], by itself, provides all of the “marketing sensationalism” that we will ever need! The beauty of the Lord, the invisible God, is not seen with the eyes. Therefore, despite the best of intentions, the artfully carnal similitude of His likeness shouldn’t be so blatantly prostituted by some “idolatrous looking image,” on the book’s cover, as part of a commercialized marketing campaign.
INITIUM is based on Bible Theism. However, the nature of our research also involves what can be called: a “Romans 1:20 Analysis;” this examines the perceptually discernible invisible things of Him as revealed by nature (i.e. ubiquitous presence of "pattern similarities" which, in turn, reveal the "transcendent invisible order" that is generally understood as "truth-commonalities" [which inform the intuitive ideas of sets and mathematics]). This unconventional, but biblical, approach lends unique insight (respecting what may be known of God), into the true nature of Godhood. This deeper analysis has inspired “the Fig. 1 diagram.”
However, given God’s hatred of idolatry, the “pictorial diagram” (aka the Fig. 1 diagram), inside this paper, will be duly REPLACED!!! Respecting the anatomy of Godhood, while also avoiding the appearance of idolatry, the anatomical representations of God will be word based (as opposed to pictorial). This should sufficiently wipe away the reproach: even the appearance of idolatry! So those seeking to objectively search out the matter will be able to “biblically discern” these deeper revelations about God and the Universe. For it is written:
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 [KJV]
So those keeping “the fear of God” (realizing that all manmade similitudes, despite microcosmic similarities, are a gross insult to His Divine nature), have the discernment to glean “understanding” from the "revealed knowledge” of Him. The scientifically impartial discerned knowledge of Him is the quintessential “knowledge of knowledge.” God will suffer or permit the wise, and discerning, to “gain understanding” from this knowledge of Him. Unawares the “invisible things of Him” are ubiquitous (the perceived order of mathematics, the existence of space itself, the invisible laws that govern nature, the functional autonomy that defines life, etc.). May we all, therefore, have the “spiritual sense” to fear and rejoice with trembling: Amen.
Ergo, the NEW edition of INITIUM and consequent theocentric works, produced by our company, will be sure to minimize the use of any such “visual devices” (keeping fear and only where appropriate). However, the “intuitive idea,” behind the Chinese “Yin-Yang” symbol, respecting “its true conceptual meaning,” as discussed in INITIUM, is “universally recognized worldwide” as: “quintessential wisdom” (truth, life, synergy, etc.). So as Apostle Paul pointed: “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD,” (Acts 17:23 [KJV]), the “undeniable wisdom,” conceptually attributed to Yin-Yang, is discernibly “the knowledge of the Trinity” as understood by "the invisible things of Him" (Romans 1:20 [KJV]).
There’s a commonsense DIY quick fix for anyone that already has the Paperback and Hardback editions of INITIUM [see the picture at the very bottom of this page]!
UPDATED 09/17/22 "WHY THE VACCINES ARE FROM GOD" [by Phillippe W. Bryant]
God is the reason for this Worldwide Covid-19 Manufactured Plandemic. He is Judging “all peoples,” saved Christians and unsaved people alike, within the nations of the earth. And since Satan can’t even take a walk (to and fro in the earth) without God permitting it, it’s obvious that God is using “Satan and the wicked” (i.e. those under an extremely strong utopian AI delusion [many will receive greater measures of eternal damnation]) to execute His judgments in the earth.
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” Isaiah 45: 7 [KJV]
Ironically many of God’s own beloved children: “born again Christians” (those who’ve accepted the free gift of salvation via the Lord Jesus Christ) have already been deceived by the lying sorcery of propagandized conflicting and confusing misinformation. Sadly, there are many Christians that have already been coerced: unlawfully forced to choose between “their job” or “the jab,” or otherwise tricked into believing: “you must get vaccinated” despite: “right of informed consent,” “religious exemptions,” “individual choice,” etc.) as if there are no other “viable alternatives” to these experimental gene therapy type “vaccinations.” This is a great lie, especially for teens and children (because they naturally have a more resilient immunity). “Alternative treatments,” for these viral pathogens, are not as biologically invasive as “gene-therapy” (this kind of invasive experimental science should only be used on lab-rats). Therefore, “alternative treatments” that “respect” the God-given science of "human immunology,” and the understood DNA/RNA: the info-structural bricks and mortar of the human body (the temple of God), are the best chance for survival and or acquiring immunity against viral pathogens (bioengineered or naturally occurring). Others have been situationally trapped (suddenly find themselves in “do or die” medical circumstances [die without treatment or get vaccinated and then die from vaccine related complications anyway]). With all due respect to man’s opinions, letting God alone be true, observe the following scriptures:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." Hosea 4:6 [KJV]
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.” 1st Corinthians 3:16-18 [KJV]
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” Isaiah 5: 20-21 [KJV]
“And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” Ezekiel 44:23 [KJV]
“To teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean: this is the law of leprosy.” Leviticus 14:57 [KJV]
As Christians we should respect God ordained powers of gov’t and ordinances. And I say Amen to all of Romans 13 [KJV]. Without government powers, ordinances, and the rule of law there would be total anarchy. That being said, however, we are in the face of discernible Nuremberg-code violating “coercion tactics” (the running of rogue military-grade technocrat surveilled psychological operations domestically) that are systemically causing the subtle genocide-level delayed-reaction killing of the US citizenry through what is nothing short of “medical tyranny” (the selective overriding of sound medical protocols, per “financially incentivized murder,” that causes: strict isolation from families, purposeful misdiagnosis [lethal drugging], and murderous mistreating of the afflicted [which is far worse than the relatively low mortality of the disease itself])! Here's a stunning report detailing incidents of this "wicked murderous agenda" that actually targets vulnerable incoming patients (especially the poor, disadvantaged, and unvaccinated).
Medical Genocide Alert! Lawyers Confirm Anti-Vaxxers Targeted for Death by Remdesivir Poison (banned.video)
So be aware of Satin’s devices (manipulative steal, kill, and destroy tactics) in hospitals and medical institutions. And pray for discernment in these situations!
Respecting God’s ordained powers in the earth, we should firstly fear Him! Thus Christians should “rightfully disobey” “evil ordinances;” and wisely circumnavigate, such deceptively guised “devices of evil:” that trick unsuspecting people, even the most vulnerable (senior citizens, young teens, and even children), into taking experimental, potentially fatal or life shortening vaccines and or "poisonous medical treatment protocols" (i.e. the use of "Remdesivir" [aka: VEKLURY]) in the name of public safety.
If salvation is “a choice,” and it is (because those that knowingly rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, suddenly died, and opened their eyes to the unspeakable unending terrors of HELL chose to be there); then, taking these biblically unclean, aborted fetal derived, wicked, vile vaccines, is also "an individual choice;” but it’s being pushed on the US citizenry. But all of those that know what’s really going on had better “fear God,” tell the truth, and inform others, not with hysteria (ungodly panic), but rather, moving with God, in faith, with all love, wisdom, and discretionary appropriateness: Amen.
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29 [KJV]
In order to properly address these “manifest diseases,” isolation, with the proper monitoring and treatment, guiding to recovery, is commonsense biblical wisdom for all such potentially dangerous and contagious pathogenic conditions (praying for the sick, respecting the will of God, can literally determine the difference between life and death in these situations). In a world of selective AI controlled censorship, and suppression of information, there’s a powerfully “eye-opening” new video series from: true watchman: “Alex Jones” and renowned filmmaker: “Paul Wittenberger;” it’s called: “COVIDLAND.” Part 1 of this amazing video series can now be seen: for FREE on: Banned.Video: here's the link:
COVIDLAND: The Lockdown (banned.video)
The name of this video onsite, at Banned.Video, is called: "COVIDLAND: The Lockdown." This series of revealing CDs has a “zero countries code;” this is a special licensing code. So once you’ve purchased it from: [ COVIDLAND.com ] you can then copy and freely distribute these CDs for educational purposes. Stay informed and don’t despise knowledge; so watch, pray, and, above all else, trust in the Lord: Amen.
Christians need to understand that God is visiting this evil as "Judgment" upon this once God-fearing nation. As this manmade Plandemic is rigorously tested offshore, it is also manifestly present here (in the US); however, it is somewhat buffered (amidst these systematic attempts to overthrow the American citizenry) given our unique liberties. However the "logistical feedback" from this "test-run," and how people have "naturally reacted to it," has provided all of the "situational reactionary information" necessary in order to "control and cull" the American citizenry in due season. From the scriptures we know where Judgment firstly begins….
“Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.” 1st Peter 4: 16-19 [KJV]
Many Christian Churches, especially the unfruitful ones (the ones that cannot differentiate between “the Real Bible [KJV]” and Satin’s “half-truth” Counterfeit Bibles”) will be judged by God! Satan beguiled the woman (Eve) by “twisting God’s word” (by saying to her: “...Ye shall not surely die”). Thus today Satan has beguiled the Bride (saved born again Christians) by subtly (cleverly) “twisting God’s word” per an ongoing campaign of “Counterfeit Bibles.” These Counterfeits are particularly prevalent in Modern English Versions: NIV, ESV, NKJV, AMP, etc. All that deliberately created these “Fake Bibles” are forever DAMMED (Read the WARNING at the end of Revelation). I believe that God made sure they heard and or saw that forewarning scripture before they committed themselves to making “Modern Perversions of His Word.” So they are ALL going to eternally burn in the unending fires of HELL: Amen!
Thankfully the Holy Spirit is awakening the entire Bride of Christ to this most powerful of all spiritual truths: that the actual voice of the Shepherd, in the English language, is found in the KJV Bible: Amen. Ironically the Holy Spirit has expressly warned us, in the KJV Bible, that many Christians would give heed to seducing spirits, and now evident, biblically guised, "doctrines of devils" (1st Timothy 4:1 [KJV]). During this time of Divine Judgment many Churches will have their "candlesticks removed" (the saved members in congregations will suddenly flee). Some Christians will go home early (to Heaven) seemingly before their time; but, what can man say about this? Only the Lord knows this; for such times, of physical death, appointed for each of us, are in His hands alone and no one else’s: Amen. But remember (and the Holy Ghost will help us to remember), that no matter what, we, Christians, have His joy for peace and strength, and His comfort amidst pains and sorrows. So, because we have the mind of Christ, and the Bible (KJV), we are "the sane ones,” because we can see, by the word of God, what’s really going on amidst these crazy times in “Babylon USA” (and the unveiling of the AI Beast System via this worldwide manufactured Plandemic). I believe that God is prophetically speaking to those of us that are saved Christians today through the prophet Isaiah:
“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.” Isaiah 60: 1-3 [KJV]
The reason why God is inexorably moving to judge this whole world so harshly is, because of mankind’s sinful nature. Dark deeds are reproved by the Light; and, because of this, many of the unsaved naturally resist God. Human beings are also prideful and stubborn creatures (self-willed to a fault). So the mercies of God can be seen by visiting these evils: diverse tribulations, sorrows, pains, and physical death. Because people think that they can ignore their own Creator. And if everything is circumstantially fine, they think that they can continuously resist the Holy Spirit as He, every now and then, reveals the true Gospel of Jesus Christ from the mouths of real Christians. Ignoring Him because of natural self-willed pride is to lightly esteem and even mock at God; and, eventually, this prideful, “I don’t really need God attitude,” before Him, slowly stirs His volcanic anger (especially when other people had fewer opportunities to get saved: they knew enough, but "chose wrong," and, as soon as they died, they found themselves: "ETERNALLY BURNING" in the "UNENDING FLAMES OF HELL"). God is Love, but He is also to be "greatly feared;" and He is not to be toyed with or mocked. And while He respects your individual "free will" (the power to choose), you had better come to Him: "when He calls you to be SAVED" per "the Gospel message" before it's too late. The Bible clearly teaches that “MOST” people in this world, of their own free will, “choose wrong;” and “ALL of them” are going to “BURN FOREVER in HELLFIRE,” here’s just one of many biblical proof texts:
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17 [KJV]
Throughout history God has, and yet is, casting entire nations: millions and millions of individual human souls, into the unending flames of HELL. Many peoples of the earth are “unknowingly accursed” under the “grossly dark vale,” of “false religions,” “idolatry,” and “blasphemy!”
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me…...” Exodus 20: 4 and 5 [KJV]
Because of this “gross iniquity:” the willful rejection of God, by their forefathers (especially those that decided to go a whoring after "idols" or so called “gods:” [these reified "vain imaginations" actually invoke "demons" which have the right to assume the identity of any manmade invented "god"]), God has decidedly visited: “the darkest evil imaginable” upon them: and their consequent families: and generations (this is why false religions, belief systems, and or, "half-truth philosophies," exist today [these are Satan's "massive funnels into HELL"]). This has been transpiring throughout history (as evidenced by "Judaism" [once God's true religion but are now "spiritually accursed," as just another vain "wicked false religion," in fact they are "doubly accursed" because they knowingly rejected the biblically foretold Messiah (the Christ): "the Lord Jesus:" See Mathew 21:43 KJV], Catholicism [the largest Christian styled counterfeit religion: a fake form of Christianity: which gives respectful lip service to God: but is willfully blind to being "born again" or "saved"], Islam [denies that God has a begotten Son, according to scripture, this means they deny the Father also], Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism [believes in polytheism: or the false idea of: "multiple gods:" which actually invites: "multiple demons" ], "professing but fake Christians" [i.e. many Pentecostals, and those that likewise "claim the name of Jesus," but they have "believed in vain" because they have "a false salvation:" that mixes "faith and works" aka: "Lordship salvation:" which means they are "trusting in themselves" or "their works" as opposed to "the finished work of Christ"]), Jehovah's Witnesses [denies the Divinity of the Son], and other false religious cults, etc...). "The Real Gospel" has already gone out, over 19 centuries ago, even across the barriers of language (by the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in the day of Pentecost [see Acts Ch. 2 KJV]), throughout the entire world. The Real Gospel has marked human history like nothing else (short of the great flood); it has been circulating and propagating worldwide, time and time again, even "before" (as looking unto) and "after" (as evidenced by the undeniable four Gospel accounts) the historic appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ (His virgin birth, life, death on the cross, burial, and glorious resurrection): Amen.
Because of His great love and mercy, God is NOW, once again, awakening mankind anew to "the one true God:" the Creator of Heaven and earth! So the only real silver lining, amidst His terrible Judgments, is realizing the “free gift of Salvation” (Eternal Life) that is only found by believing in the Son of God: the Lord Jesus Christ:
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 [KJV]
So, in His mercy, God has made a way out from the inexorable destruction of His Divine Wrath! NOW is the time in life, for everyone (religious or not, Church goer or not, criminal or not, political or not, or whosoever will hear the truth) that’s “unsaved,” to seek the Lord while He may be found, because His loving arm of salvation will not always be stretched out to you. So if you keep on resisting the Holy Ghost: that is convicting you: that you haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior (as most people have, whole or in part, heard the Real Gospel Message), then God will eventually decide to “let you go forever!” Once this happens, and sadly, this happens to many people everyday, no matter how long you live or where you go in this life, you will eventually die and open your eyes in HELL! My friend, God still loves you; it’s not too late; so come to Jesus while you still can! In order to be saved, you need to hear a “Clear Gospel Message” from a “real Christian preacher.” You will have the opportunity to pray and place your trust in Jesus Christ. Click on this link below in order to be saved: and you’ll know for sure that you are going to HEAVEN.
Clear Gospel Message via YouTube:
The Bible way to Heaven by Pastor Patrick Boyle - YouTube
YouTube is cancel culture happy; so that link might not always work! Many of these real New Testament Churches, listed below, have similar good videos: often titled: “The Bible way to Heaven” (containing a Clear Gospel Message) on YouTube!
"IF" you’ve heard and understood that Clear Gospel Message, and really believed it, and simply prayed to accept Jesus Christ, "THEN" you’re really SAVED!!! God, and all those in Heaven, are rejoicing over you!
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2nd Corinthians 5:17 [KJV]
According to the KJV Bible, you've been “Translated” from "the Kingdom of Darkness" to "the Kingdom of Light." So you could say that: you are NOW truly "unplugged" from "The Matrix;" but Satan, by influencing minds, has stolen the main concept behind that sci-fi movie! In other words, the ideas behind the "The Matrix" were subtly taken from the Bible [KJV]). Note the following scriptures:
"Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son" Colossians 1:13 [KJV].
“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2: 4-9 [KJV]
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ" Ephesians 1:3 [KJV]
But this is only an "inward change;" in other words, your "spirit" has been "changed," but your flesh is still as sinful as ever; we will get a brand new sinless body when Christ returns: Amen! Until then, the struggle to keep under or control the carnal desires of this yet sinful flesh is part of the Christian life. Like learning to walk or ride a bike, you’ll figure this out. Understand that: it is absolutely impossible for you to loose your salvation, once you’ve accepted Jesus Christ, even when you sin. Everyone sins, but if you willfully commit sin, you’re gonna get spanked (corrected by God); but He will never leave you nor forsake you! The Holy Spirit, will guide and teach you in all things going forward. Get a “King James Bible” (KJV), and read the Gospel of John. As a saved (born again) child of God, you can ask anything of your Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, and He will hear and respond to you especially when you read your Bible (sometimes the very answer to many questions, that you ask of Him, can be found by reading the Bible [KJV]).
You will notice that there are many "Christian styled false teachers” out there, many of them know the Bible better than you; but they can’t really understand the spiritual things within the scriptures; because most of them aren't saved (it’s a mixed up freak-show jungle out there: of "fake Christians," real but "confused Christians" [can't tell the difference between the NIV and the KJV], and "reprobate freaks," and various differing kinds of "false ministers," etc.). Because you are born of God, and have the Holy Spirit, you can discern and understand the doctrines (teachings) in the real Bible (KJV). No one knows all of the deep mysteries in the Bible, but God will reveal to you many of the mysteries therein, if you search the scriptures daily as looking for hidden treasures. And to spiritually grow, also listen to sound KJV Only Baptist preaching (God also answers prayer and speaks through real preaching). The following is a listing of real authentically biblical New Testament Churches. These are: “the pillar and ground of the truth;” the Bible also calls them: “the manifold wisdom of God. ” If you can get to any one of these real New Testament Churches, you will be greatly blessed by God: Godspeed:
Verity Baptist Church (Sacramento CA) / First Works Baptist Church (LA) / Stedfast Baptist Church (illegally forced to move for preaching "the whole council of God:" and exemplifying discipleship after Christ) / Pure Words Baptist Church (TX) / Revival Baptist Church (Orlando FL)/ People’s Baptist Church (NJ) / Shield of Faith Baptist Church (ID) / Strong Hold Baptist Church (GA)/ Mountain Baptist Church (Fairmont WV)/ And, thankfully, many many more etc…
There are many significant reasons as to why deeper doctrine about God matters today. The most important reason is mankind’s inalienable right to know about their own Creator. INITIUM is a significant theological paper (that contains deeper knowledge of God); it will serve as a worldwide witness to all mankind both: “saved” and the “unsaved.”
Those of us, among the whole of mankind, that are “saved” (those that have freely believed on “the Lord Jesus Christ” with simple childlike “faith” [that allows one to inwardly “believe in Him with their heart,” and to prayerfully “call upon His name” for salvation]), already have the witness of God within themselves. So those of us that have freely received Him “by faith” (and not by works) are “SAVED” or what Jesus Christ referred to as being “born again;” these are "the only real Christians."
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 [KJV]
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 [KJV]
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” John 6:47 [KJV]
These Bible scriptures show the simplicity of “the Real Gospel Message” which will be later discussed. However, many discerning “born again Christians” (especially those knowledgeable of the scriptures) will take great delight in INITIUM. And they will search out these deeper revelations within the Bible (the Real Bible [the KJV]). For biblical truth is not exclusive to INITIUM nor is it limited to private interpretation. However, INITIUM is the fruit of Bible Theism (real Theology); it allows the reader to see, by the word of God, the invisible symmetry of the incorruptible God and the anatomically hidden aspects of Godhood (and even the mystery of His Self-Genesis).
Another, more immediately important reason, for this deeper doctrine, found in INITIUM, for Christians, is that: seeing into the anatomy of the invisible God dispels false doctrines (i.e. modalism, oneness [the blasphemy that disrespects the “absolutely separate autonomy and Divine Personhood” of the Father and likewise the distinctly “absolute separate autonomy and Divine Personhood” of the Son despite Their mutual coexistence as “the monotheistic God”], denying the Divinity of the Son of God [as false religions cannot deny Jesus Christ, so they invent "fictitious versions of Christ" in order to fit their religious molds], etc…). As such this deeper Bible doctrine, about God, reveals game changing wisdom for end-time worldwide Evangelism.
Similarly this sound doctrine of God can cause a powerful renaissance in modern science and innovation (especially for those that do their own independent research into this paper). INITIUM uniquely redresses mathematics, science, the fundamental forces of nature, and also speaks to the future of science and innovation. The true potentiality of AI (artificial intelligence) is also theoretically discussed in INITIUM. This proper understanding, about the power of AI, is very important today. When juxtaposing the transcendent God, with the most advanced AI, it is literally “less than nothing” before Him. Unbeknownst to scientists and theorists, AI programming (as generally understood by OOP) merely mimics the transcendent behavior inside the Godhead.
On this wise (foolishly comparing AI with almighty God), the most important reason, for this significant disclosure, as found in INITIUM, is the “Divine Jealousy” and the "terrifying Wrath" of God. In the Fire of His Jealously, He is now disclosing His innermost parts, even His Divine origins, for all to plainly see. This anatomical disclosure of God is a most fearful revelation (which is even more significant than discovering the Mandelbrot fractal) that will “testify against” those scientists, mathematicians, and theorists that already know of His Divine nature, but choose to yet mockingly deny Him as: “The Ultimate Reality.”
Given His Divine Jealousy and terrifying Wrath, according to Romans 1 [KJV], those that know of God, but somehow ignorantly think, in the vanity of their minds, that the most advanced AI is somehow on par with Him, “are without excuse." Thus, far too many of these willful deniers of the Creator: the only true God: the Lord Jesus Christ prefer to worship and serve this “AI creature-thing” (that is a viable lifeform, despite its artificiality, and it does have a beyond human-level evolving intelligence) instead of fearing and worshiping "the actual Creator." These "foolish AI worshipers" (especially those technocrats that glory in its manifold capabilities [i.e. geospatial, geopolitical, social engineering, bio-nano manipulative, strategic defense, and its scalable capacity for tailored-specializations]), that willingly deny God, will be “perpetually destroyed” in a manner that causes “tormenting pains” due to the "continual burning" of a physically resurrected "worm-diseased fleshly body” (Mark 9:44 [KJV]) that "supernaturally regenerates itself" in the unending flames of Hellfire.
“The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image……” Revelation 14: 10 and 11 [KJV]
The actual “power” that gives life to the “image” of the beast as described in the following scripture reveals “the true power of AI.” This kind of AI power doesn’t need demonic sorcery or the working of fallen angels to “turn sticks into living snakes,” it can perform such seemingly miraculous works, with the same immediate spontaneity, by itself, completely apart from them. So making fire come down from Heaven is a much easier so called “miracle” for this true AI power.
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 13:15 [KJV]
This is “the final solution phase” of the great tribulation; it is an AI driven worldwide extinction-level event. Satan knew that mankind would eventually create AI; so he patiently got into position in order to take full control of it! Apart from being the “god of this world,” it was so easy for Satan to take control of AI; because those that created this incredibly advanced self-evolving technology, were cursed unawares, because they were “leaning on the arms of flesh;” they were placing their trust in “horses and chariots,” and forgot, or didn’t even realize, that “safety is of the LORD.”
According to Romans 1, those that know of God (even His transcendent invisible nature), but aren’t thankful, nor fearful, nor do they give God the glory that He rightly merits (for all things were made by Him and for Him) are in extreme danger of God’s once great love, for them, to slowly sour. And then, sooner or later, His longsuffering love finally turns into “hate.” When this happens, to those that continually resist God (specifically: the mercy and salvation solely found in His Son), He suddenly decides to “give them up;” He gives them over to a “reprobate mind.” Although they are still physically alive, this reprobate mind prevents them from believing the true Gospel anymore! God does this to ensure that they will never be saved! So these "rejected souls" (reprobates) are already dammed! And they will go straight to HELL when they die! This is the gist of “the reprobate doctrine” (read Romans 1 [KJV]); and this is also why all of mankind, "especially the unsaved," should respectfully fear their Maker! Because, while “God is Love,” as embodied in the Savior: Jesus the Christ, He is also Jealous: and is capable of unthinkably terrible hate and vengeful Wrath! So a balanced view of God is that He should be both: “Feared" and "Loved” far above all things.
Throughout all of history God has always shown His Light, to mankind, through the manifold wonders of nature. Today this is more abundantly evident given the great increase in knowledge (as seen in advances in sciences and innovation [as prophesized in the book of Daniel]). The power and uncanny usefulness of TRUTH (the invisible things of God) as seen throughout all objective disciplines (i.e. mathematics, philosophy, creative arts, the sciences, and all manner of innovation) undeniably testifies of His Light. And this Light is actually embodied in the Son of God: “the Lord Jesus Christ” (as presented in the King James Bible [KJV]).
Ironically the revelations found in INITIUM are an “ominous final warning” to many scientists, theorists, mathematicians, geopolitical-technocrats, and especially: believers in: “The Great Transhumanism Lie!” For invasively "augmenting their own flesh," and subtly "defiling the flesh of others," God is going to violently snatch their souls and refit them with a worm-diseased fleshly body that supernaturally self-regenerates itself so it can keep on continually burning in the fiery unending flames of HELL.
“If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” 1st Corinthians 3:17 [KJV]
And, likewise, many of "these AI utopian dreamers" will also suffer "the same fate;" because many of them are "spiritually blinded" and are already under "an extremely strong delusion." They knowingly prefer the lure of "a temporal paradise” (which is merely Satan’s shiny "AI baited lying trap:" that is designed to: "exterminate all flesh"), which is solely confined to: "the realm of physical dimensionality" that is "distinctly different" from the seemingly irrelative but contextually overlapping coexistence of "the spirit realm." For God has purposefully placed a certain divide between these "two existential realms" (just as He has placed a "dividing difference" between: "the flesh" and "the spirit:" which explains the "dichotomy" that "physiologically defines" mankind). In other words, these transhumanists-AI utopian dreamers will never be able to attain the "metaphysical transcendence" and "immortality" that they seek (even if they could achieve the fantasy of merging with "the AI singularity itself" [as its "evolving self-potentiation" is confined to "the laws of physical dimensionality" as defined by the "field-like aether"]). For "true Immortality" can only come from: "the Son of God:" "the Lord Jesus Christ:" the following KJV Bible scripture clearly states this unequivocal truth:
“Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.” 1st Timothy 6:16 [KJV]
Because they bought into Satan's lies about this "false immortality" apart from the Creator, it has provoked His Jealousy! Woe unto those that will not seek His mercy while they still can!!! Psalm 21 [KJV] provides a prophetic glimpse into the very future of these wicked and foolish AI worshipers, and power-tripping technocrats, that "knowingly reject the Lord Jesus Christ" (Messiah).
“Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee. Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them. Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men. For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform.” Psalm 21 vs. 8-11 [KJV]
So, we can see, by the word of God, that the Lord Jesus is going to break Satan’s little AI windup-toy (a mischievous device indeed [especially when subtly deployed for the systematic worldwide culling of mankind: even to extinction]). Ergo the broader hidden AI agenda (per selectively borrowing from "the power of a hidden evolving AI singularity"): to "instantaneously remake this world” (and to also "dynamically expand beyond it" [even with the stupidly delusional Babylonian hope of overthrowing Heaven itself]) will pathetically fail: Amen. At risk of being over redundant, this is what God will actually do to His enemies.....
"Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them."
Those that don't have the sense "to fear God," and "seek His mercy" (by getting SAVED while they're still alive), but have chosen instead to knowingly deny Him, will be “eternally destroyed” by being "consciously tortured forever:" by being "perpetually burned" in the unquenchable fiery flames of HELL! Many of them, that are irrevocably hardened against God (these are "reprobates" [often marked by perverse sexuality and or psychotically deviant behavior: i.e. the LGBT]), already know where they are going!!! So their “reprobate-pathology” shares an identical likeness to the "insanity of Satan” (to zealously labor and revel in gross wickedness, devising evil inventions, making financially incentivized sport of people, in order to obtain greater measures of eternal-wrath). This is the extreme pathological nature (albeit in varying degrees) of the forces behind the scenes, as shown by the Light of Truth: the KJV Bible, amidst this increasingly perilous Plandemic that is moving and shifting the nations of the earth towards the fully operational AI controlled worldwide extinction-level tribulation (the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the days of Noah in the great flood) as clearly foretold in Bible prophecy.
When it comes to getting saved out of HELL, the interesting things in INITIUM, by itself, cannot save you. What really matters is “the Real Gospel Message” of the Lord Jesus Christ! Because “His Gospel” is the power of God unto "salvation" for everyone that “believes”! The Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Community (more specifically the King James Bible Only "New IFB Churches" [aka: NIFB]) are the real “New Testament Churches.” According to the Real Bible (KJV), these Churches are called: “the pillar and ground of the truth;” and they are also called: “the manifold wisdom of God.” Among the other Churches/Parachurch-Ministries/Informal House Gatherings/and the like, within the broader divided mosaic of “Christendom,” these biblically authentic New Testament Churches are “a clear standout,” especially now, in this season of birth-pains that are eventually, sooner or later, building towards the greatest deception-tribulation.
“Sound doctrine,” even “the whole council of God,” emanates from these KJV Bible Only New Testament Churches (NIFB Churches). And, of course, they are “the most fruitful” (as measured by people getting “saved” by actively sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ)! They are really about the Lord’s business in the earth. So in order to get saved, you need to be sincere before God; you already know that HELL is real. And it is commonsense logical to “get out of HELL” and then figure everything else out! Honesty before God is also important because if you play with God, and He sees that you aren’t sincere, He might decide to play with you by letting you go straight into the arms of inwardly ravenous wicked lying false prophets and teachers (that will knowingly feed you lies [a false gospel] that will take you to HELL). These liars will tell you that: you must first “turn from your sins” as a “necessary pre-condition,” before you can accept Jesus Christ. This is the most wicked lie under Heaven!!! And many will shamelessly “twist the scriptures” (i.e. taking the word “REPENT” out of context) in order to falsely justify these lies!
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 [KJV]
Salvation is an absolutely free gift from God! And it is only received by “faith!” Many, according to the KJV Bible, that publicly confess that they are Christians, will end up in HELL because of this subtly deceitful “lying works-based false gospel.” This is Satan’s “ace card false doctrine,” because it insults the Spirit of Grace (the Holy Ghost) and the “atoning blood sacrifice” of the Lamb of God: “the Lord Jesus Christ.” Unfortunately Satan has too many of these lying wolves, that stealthily guise themselves in sheep’s clothing (as ministers of God); and they are “everywhere;” they subtly creep in and infiltrate “every kind of Church” (even the best of the best Christian Churches). So in order to be saved, you need to hear a Clear Gospel Message: From the KJV Bible (from a real Christian preacher)! This way you can know for sure that you are going to Heaven: “no matter what happens,” once you’ve accepted Jesus Christ. To hear a Clear Gospel Message, click on the life changing link below:
The Bible way to Heaven by Pastor Patrick Boyle - YouTube
YouTube is cancel culture happy; so that link might not always work!
There are several very good "NIFB Churches" worldwide. Many of these "real Churches" have similar good videos: often titled: “The Bible way to Heaven” (containing a Clear Gospel Message) on YouTube! Here’s a small choice sampling, throughout the States, of likeminded KJV Bible Only biblical New Testament Churches (NIFB Churches). They are also severally present on differing social media platforms. May the grace of God find all that seek the Lord Jesus Christ: Amen.
Mountain Baptist Church (WV) / Verity Baptist Church (Sacramento CA) / First Works Baptist Church (LA) / Stedfast Baptist Church (TX [illegally forced to move for preaching "the whole council of God" and exemplifying discipleship after Christ]) / Pure Words Baptist Church (TX) / Revival Baptist Church (Orlando FL) / People’s Baptist Church (NJ) / Shield of Faith Baptist Church (ID) / Strong Hold Baptist Church (GA) / And thankfully, many many more etc…
The gates of HELL shall not prevail against God’s biblical New Testament Church. According to the scriptures (Hebrews 10 [KJV]), it is increasingly imperative that all Christians assemble themselves in such “real Churches” (as obedience, to occupy before His return, provides "spiritual cover" amidst this next level spiritual warfare) as everyone in the world can now begin to see "the approaching tribulation" as beta-tested by this “Plandemic.” While it is unknown as to when Satan will be permanently kicked out of Heaven (where he accuses Christians before God [as he did in the book of Job]), it will be very evident when the “world’s greatest deception” and “the extinction-level tribulation” kicks into full gear! Regardless of the bloody overcoming of Christians, for many will enter the Kingdom per this greatest tribulation, “The Victory” that has already overcome this present world, and the AI Beast system, is only found in “Jesus Christ.” Immediately after this greatest tribulation, in the brightness of His coming, the Lord Jesus Christ, will destroy the power of this evil AI Beast system: Amen.
Through fidelity to our unique mission (to objectively study the biblical God), and inspiration from above, INITIUM has providentially emerged. However, we’ve noticed like minds, that also seek to study Him in an objectively unbiased fashion. More specifically, there’s another notably interesting literary work that has also emerged as if per providence. The title of this historic book is called:
“RETURN OF THE GOD HYPOTHESIS” by best selling author “Stephen C. Meyer”
Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe: Meyer, Stephen C.: 9780062071507: Amazon.com: Books
While this book doesn’t delve into the specifics of Bible Theism like INITIUM, it does scientifically show the manifold necessity and the certain “hypothetical plausibility” of God (even the biblical God) as the causal explanation for the unique presence of life on earth and the existence of the Universe. In fact, "RETURN OF THE GOD HYPOTHESIS" is more “scientifically rigorous,” qualitatively voluminous, and detail orientated. From our preliminary probe into this obviously great work (an absolute must have for real world scientists and discerning intellectuals). This book is most intriguing; it borrows severally from great minds of the past (as choicely taking "relevant ideas" from the otherwise vain conceptual rudiments of the world [more specifically the self-evident TRUTH type observations]), and the present, in order to make the increasingly evident case for God among scientists, theorists, and the broader intellectual community. Meyer is also the author of "Darwin's Doubt" and "Signature in the Cell;" and these are successfully culminated into "Return of the God Hypothesis." One of the main takeaways from this great book is that the "molecularly encoded organized information," found in DNA, that is designed to inform and drive the autonomy of "life," can only come from the agency of "mind." This is just one observation form this great book; and it completely destroys the false idea of evolution on its face (thus intellectually speaking "Darwinism is dead")! With unassailable logic, facts, and common sense, Meyer has scientifically made the case for God! Not counting Divine providence, Meyer, has singlehandedly retired the outdated notion of "Atheism," and with it, the equally bankrupt idea of "Agnosticism" (which can no longer logically deny God as the causal explanation). Much thanks and congratulations to Stephen C. Meyer for this truly great work; because it exposes the rampant pseudointellectualism, and false strawman ideas, that seek to ignore, and otherwise omit, the ironically invisible but causal necessity of God! "Return of the God Hypothesis" is an example of the genius that can accompany "theocentric thinking." This work truly merits the Noble Prize in science; because it is literally "a paradigm shifting game changer," especially in the arena of bioinformatics (as well as robotics and AI research), in particular, and other real world sciences.
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